Oh what fun!

We learned to chill out years ago when holidaying down country lanes. We have followed traction engines, very old classic cars, combine harvesters, tractor carrying a pig in a bucket, horse drawn gypsy vans, in fact all sorts of things.
I would hope that the VW camper ( not exactly sure what you mean, probably a classic Vdub?) would be up to towing the twin axle, but give it some space to the top (or bottom) of the hill. As for stuff behind me, couldn’t care less really, they do as they want, hopefully as safe as possible. (You said face to face, so did you pass the VW going the other way, or did you mean you caught it up on the hill, sorry I am a bit unclear🤔) If it’s going the same way as me, at some point I would hope it would pull over, but they don’t always.Away from the motorways, Summer is usually very busy, but we much prefer quieter routes than zipping along boring motorways. The pig in the bucket was hilarious, totally chilled out, thoroughly enjoying it’s ride out😁
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Perhaps if I was in my car intent on arriving at a destination on time, I would become a bit agitated but still wait for a good opportunity to pass even if it meant crawling up the hill behind it. In my heavy slow motorhome out ambling along touring with plenty of time on my hands, I care not a jot.
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Ah slightly different to what I imagined, it is a problem I have encountered before on the old road to Malaig from Fort William. In my case the oncoming caravan outfit refused to reverse or couldn't and I had to unhook my tow car and reverse into what space I could find as two separate vehicles. The bus behind me and the rest of the convoy was not best pleased. These days if towing my car I try to avoid such roads or travel solo so that I have the manoeuvre ability.
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Whatever you did it must have taken a while as there was time to establish the make and model of the caravan, work out the details of the VW camper and check all the vehicles following you 😀
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Hope it didn't come to this? https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x84hsk4
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I was a bit puzzled what your thread was about DD. Seems it’s someone on a small road and got into difficulties. Hope it all got sorted. Rule one for us, whether towing or not is don’t follow a Sat Nav religiously.
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Looking at the location you've given if you and your original followers had reversed a very short distance there would have been ample space to allow passing it should have been obvious that the poor guy would have difficulty reversing his unit it seems the white van tried to help but nobody else, if it had been a bus or tractor instead of the caravan you wouldn't have any option but to reverse because they will not.
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If you take a look at motorhome fun forum I think you will see the vein of this thread. It's all about taking the proverbial out of caravanners, hence the thread title.
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Ah, thanks JK. It’s a daily occurrence in some places, narrow roads, drivers unfamiliar with routes. I’m sure we have all been there, including the nearly perfect. I live in tiny little narrow street, it’s a proper nightmare for those who don’t know it. We all periodically go out to help those stuck to reverse safely.
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surely a twin axle Bailey Unicorn would have been fitted with a mover, so sensibly could have unhitched, reversed the caravan into the even narrower lane, let the traffic clear hitch up and drive off , caravan would no doubt sustain some damage but driving into the unknown surely was the worst option
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Unfortunately the title of your post and your statement of joining the audience suggests you found it entertaining to watch this undoubtedly flustered chap try to get out of the situation and causing serious damage to his caravan I'm still sure looking at the situation if it had been treated seriously and not entertaining a different result would have been reached the guy made a wrong decision in going that and paid dearly, we all make mistakes.
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Surely, if towing with a motorhome, you will have several days food and water and therefore able to withstand a moderate siege. I doubt that any approaching vehicle would have a trebuchet handy.