Premium Club WiFi

tonycv Forum Participant Posts: 18
edited July 2023 in Club Products & Services #1

Am at Hurn Lane overnight on the way back from Cornwall and it has the new WiFi up and running. Looking at the club web page it lays out the comparison between free and premium, including tariffs for 24 hours, weekly, monthly and annual. Thought I'd sign up for annual at £35 but the BT WiFi pages only has the first 3 with no annual option. 

I have tried the 24 hours to see what it's like and only getting between 2 and  4Mbps so not great but just about good enough to stream videos but not in 4k

However main gripe is the lack of an annual option as the rest are far too expensive


    PLOUGHLIN Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited July 2023 #2

    How many and which sites actually have the site wide wifi up and running. I haven't found one yet, 11 sites used since May and hot spot only available, though at Lady Margaret a pitch within 40 yds of the Reception did get wifi despite warden saying hotspot only.


    Might be worth waiting for more installations before signing for an annual ticket.

  • tonycv
    tonycv Forum Participant Posts: 18
    edited July 2023 #3

    Was at godrevy for the main holiday and that was hotspot only but were also near enough to use it from the van

    I did wonder if the lack of annual was due to not enough sites yet but doubt it - the cynic in me assumes BT dont  want to offer the annual tariff as it's only £10 more than the monthly one

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,243
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    edited July 2023 #4

    I have no idea what the situation is but what you suggest about waiting until the majority of sites are up and running on the new system does have a ring of common sense about it. BTW did you try the free service? With regard to pricing it seems to me that the Club over charge for shorter periods but, by comparison, under charge for the annual fee? 


  • tonycv
    tonycv Forum Participant Posts: 18
    edited July 2023 #5

    We used the free hotspot service at Godrevy throughout our 2 week stay and IIRC only had to re connect twice.  4G connectivity there on Vodafone and O2 was poor so did need WiFi 

    At Hurn Lane I did briefly connect to the free "at pitch" service and it was speed limited and you supposedly have to re connect every hour. 

    The premium speed did improve to 15-20 Mbps so speed wise it was a lot better, but 4G worked ok at Hurn Lane so probably not essential, especially for a short stay

  • Lisvaneblue
    Lisvaneblue Forum Participant Posts: 5
    edited August 2023 #6

    For the first time I stayed a site with the new wifi up and running.  I need fast broadband for a few devices so at our Brecon site I opted for a very expensive £15 for 7 days Premium service. I checked the BT T&C as they appeared ahead of payment and saw that the fee covered 5 devices.

    Once on line I learned by trail and error that the CAMC have overridden the BT terms and allow for only one device. This is not made clear anywhere as far I can can see.This was confirmed in an email from BT.

    Further none of my other devices. ie 2 mobile phones can connect to the Free wi-fi service.

    The old wi-fi system offered effective connectivity at reasonable annual cost. Why the big increase in fees for an inferior service?

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,512
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    edited August 2023 #7

    The old system was only one device at a time. 

    If wifi is important to you, I think it’s far better to make your own arrangements. 👍🏻

  • tonycv
    tonycv Forum Participant Posts: 18
    edited August 2023 #8

    Am at York which now has the premium WiFi. No sign of the affordable annual option at this site.  Just the rip off daily, weekly and monthly 

    And looking at the description it is for only 1 device

  • tonycv
    tonycv Forum Participant Posts: 18
    edited August 2023 #9

    From the caravan club website 

    "Daily £5, Weekly £15, Monthly £25, Annual £35.
    Active accounts can be used at any site where Premium Wi-Fi is available".

    But the only sign up that appears on the BT page when on site is daily, weekly and monthly

  • tonycv
    tonycv Forum Participant Posts: 18
    edited August 2023 #10

    Screenshot of login options, annual option is missing

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,411
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    edited August 2023 #11

    I thought I would give the new premium WiFi a go at Hurn lane and on an admittedly not particularly full site found it very good. The speed was as in the photo below. Although clearly this would come down on a full site if many sign up for it. I signed up for the £5 24 hour package, which actually ran for 26.  One thing i didn’t trial was switching between devices. It says it is possible but does not indicate how to do it. The only way I could see was to tell it to forget the network in my WiFi settings, which would have logged it off. I wasn’t confident that it would let me logon to a different device so didn’t try.

    Whilst you are subscribed to the premium WiFi you can’t use the same email on a different device to connect to the free service. OK if you have two emails, not so good if you both use the same.

    The free option is giving between 0.8 and 1 Mbps down and 6 up and stays logged in for at least the stipulated hour. Street view works OK but takes a few seconds to sharpen the image.


  • Trevorjackson
    Trevorjackson Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited October 2023 #12

    Good evening. We have just been to two sites in Scotland. Culloden did not offer even the free WiFi. Dunnet Bay allows for Free WiFi on 1 device, but not mine. We have tried to join annual premium for the £35 (which would have aligned us with the old system, that worked) and can’t get the annual option. 
    seems like BT and CAMC don’t know what they are doing. Apparently the reason for the change was that members complained that they had to pay for WiFi, not seen any consultation or communication on that.

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,411
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    edited October 2023 #13

    In responding to another thread just now I had need to reference this one. Just realised I quoted the site mentioned in the OP, rather than where we actually were, which was Morn Hill.

  • Cartledge
    Cartledge Club Member Posts: 268
    edited November 2023 #14

    Never use Club Wi-Fi or site Wi-Fi anywhere including Europe. I have a Sky mobile package with a good data allowance each month that I rarely use. What isn’t used is rolled over for up to three years. The whole package is about £19 a month for everything. We are currently at Blair Castle Caravan park where Wi-Fi is £19 a week and their signal poor.

    Using my mobile which I’m paying for anyway therefore costs me nothing extra, I can roll my data allowance on when I need it from my Sky Piggy Bank, have used 40Gb this week, leaving me with 100Mb left. Local speed on 4g is 40Gb download so everything works, linked to my phone’s hotspot. My iPad, my wife’s iPhone and our onboard TV as well. No Wi-Fi fees to pay. 

  • tentpegs
    tentpegs Forum Participant Posts: 9
    edited May 2024 #15

    Camping and Caravan Club have a free Wi-Fi service and I’m successfully streaming on it at the moment. I’ve also successfully watched BBC iPlayer. I also note the fees for staying are less than the Caravan club site. I’m a member of both but last year because of the increase of fees I did not stay on the Caravan club sites last year. So I will be this year so I’ll be able to compare

  • tentpegs
    tentpegs Forum Participant Posts: 9
    edited May 2024 #16

    Sorry previous post is not clear. I mean I will be able to compare this year as I will be staying on a few Caravan club site’s. I’m not keen on the paying extra for premium

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,411
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    edited May 2024 #17

    If you want to stream you will have to pay extra, or use your own system, as the free WiFi is 1 mbs download at best and definitely unsuitable for streaming. I am surprised you are able to on the C&CC system, as on the sites we have used that has generally not been a lot faster. Although the C&CC  WiFi does seem to vary significantly with the number of folk using it. Where as on the new CAMC version, 1 mbs is as much as you are going to get without paying extra.

  • vbfg
    vbfg Club Member Posts: 534
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    edited May 2024 #18

    I am surprised that your Sky package is so good.  I had their TV, landline and (home) broadband and whilst the landline and TV was fine, the broadband was dreadful, always very slow and often inaccesible at weekends, despite their very frequent adverts to the contrary.  I changed to Plusnet and have never had a problem with it.