Harry’s . home the motor home cat

old ludlovian
old ludlovian Club Member Posts: 132
edited March 2023 in Your stories #1

Harry has been missing for several months and today had a phone call form vets to say he had been found three miles from home .we left him with our daughter  september while we holidayed  in france  which we have done many tiimes and he has been very happy . but this time he went missing we put poster out and face book had many reports of stray cats .went to see them all but sadly not harry o/h upset each time but today she’s over the moon to get her boy back tears of joy he’s fast asleep in his bed vets tomorrow. Once he’s had time to settle, we will be able to take him on holiday in our motorhome, he has travelled far from a kitten throughout the UK, Happy Days! He has been very popular on site with many people when they have met him, he’s a dark tabby, age 10 years


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2023 #2

    Good  news for you all, I guess he was microchipped,  hope all the future trips go well. We have a cat but he goes into a cattery, my sister lost her cat on a camping holiday and he was sadly not found again so we decided never to risk it. Happy travels Harry! 🐈🐈‍⬛🐈

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,335
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited March 2023 #3

    Great news. 

  • old ludlovian
    old ludlovian Club Member Posts: 132
    edited March 2023 #4

    Thank you he is being really spoilt at the moment he is very tired and hungry 

  • old ludlovian
    old ludlovian Club Member Posts: 132
    edited May 2023 #5

    Harry has been on his first break away in the motorhome since returning home. We took him to Chester Fair oaks, he was happy and content enjoying the sun. He didn’t wonder far from us, did follow me to the facilities and waited until I came out. He’s always on his guard, we will plan more adventures for him. 

  • marley1
    marley1 Forum Participant Posts: 18
    edited June 2023 #6

    Thank goodness you found him