It's Official - Touring is good for you!

We all enjoy touring, but did you know it can be good for you?
Recent research carried out for the Caravan and Motorhome Club by the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) shows touring can be good for you!
Some 63% of the UK adult population as a whole feel less stressed on holiday compared to up to 75% of leisure vehicle owners or those looking to purchase one. So that's good news for us! Do you feel less stressed when caravanning and motorhoming?
Touring envisages being able to move around and not having to book ahead. Seems possible in most of Europe but not in this country. Currently difficult to book even a couple of days ahead because of the awful new website and lack of proper search criteria and access info for CLs. Not interested in booking Club sites.
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18% more likely to spend less time on their digital devices and 19% more likely to feel less stressed. They’re not using the new booking system then🤣🤣🤣
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In France we don’t book ahead as it’s not necessary, but there is nothing in the definition of touring, “a journey for pleasure in which several different places are visited:” that says it is compulsory. In this country we book, as we prefer to do so and have a guaranteed stop. Not everyone does, it depends on what sites / stop overs you want to use. We have just completed a 16 site tour around the north of Scotland, mostly booked almost a year in advance. It’s how we prefer to operate in this country, less stress.😂
Not sure about being less stressed on holiday. Being retired it is unexpected events that result in stress. When I was working the stress was more related to the workplace and a holiday was definitely less stressful. Agree with the increased exercise levels, they definitely go up while away.
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It is rather ironic that real "touring" has been made much more difficult by the Club with the introduction of the new booking system, since it seems any flexibility to move sites or dates, within the Club network, without a fairly hefty financial penalty, has been totally removed!
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Wow, Posts on CT have complained that the club doesn't communicate with the members on the forum and but when they do post something positive about our hobby they get ripped to shreds.
I wouldn't be surprised if that's the last we heard from the club on CT.
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It’s hardly constructive communication, GE, and perhaps not the most fortuitous moment to post it.
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It’s perfectly possible hja. It’s what we do all the time in UK. Avoid anything to do with booking via Club at the moment, mix up your options and just go for it🤷♀️ No stress at all really.
Why am I unsurprised that a survey tells me folks are less stressed when on holiday……..
Touring…..moving from one place to another after a short stay
Not touring…..takings one’s touring outfit to same place for week/2 weeks/🤷♀️Weeks on same site. That’s choosing a destination and staying there, slightly different.
We enjoy doing both.
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Just my thoughts – I am probably being cynical but I feel facts and figures resulting from research can be down to how the questions are worded. Spending on such research "to show touring is good for you" is not IMHO a beneficial use (to members) of CAMC funds. Personally, I see the OP as a marketing ploy to encourage bookings.
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If it is done by a professional survey provider & the questions are without leaning or providing any rabbit holes it is acceptable. First you need to find out if it was ‘in house’ or a ‘respected’ named company. At the mo it could be someone with average computer skills & imagination?. The results are nothing astounding tbh, they could be applicable to any form of holiday🤷🏻♂️
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Sorry, oneputt. I started this hare running, although I am sure someone else would have done so. The use of the term touring just being applied to the use of LVs really annoys me.
We have in the past stayed for a week at one site, especially when our son was small. But to me that is not touring. Similarly, if we went abroad and just stayed on one site for the whole holiday, I wouldn’t consider it touring. Just like when we stayed in gites or static caravans.
I am not criticising those who do that. I just believe that touring means travelling around. When we went abroad with the van, that is what we did. We didn’t book, we didn’t know how long we would stay in one place. Having done this for many years, across much of Western Europe, we were only turned away from a site on one occasion. On another, we decided not to stop at that site. We were using campsites, not aires. It was rarely stressful.
In the UK that is really not an easy, stress free way to tour. Especially if you don’t want to wild camp. And, IMO, the Club has made it even more difficult. There are difficulties and possible penalties to amend bookings, and the web site search facility makes finding CLs less easy. Difficult to be spontaneous in your TOURING!
And for the avoidance of doubt we do camp in the uk, both short stays on one site (3 or 4 nights max) and we tour as we did in Pembrokeshire this year, but it had to be planned and sites all booked (all CLs by the way)
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I don’t see that it has. The thread title is touring is good for you. Over there touring without booking is for us stress free. I wouldn’t find the same here, hence we book and again have a stress free tour. I can’t see how there is any them and us in that.🤔
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I think some are overthinking this? Whether we stay in one place for a week, three weeks or just a day or two. here or abroad, it's still touring as you have to leave home with your caravan or motorhome, they don't magically appear on site! There is no one size fits all when it comes to touring, it's an individual thing.
It's a simple infographic, I would be most surprised if the conclusions of the research were different. Surely we all use our LV's to give us a degree of pleasure, if not perhaps we shouldn't be doing it?
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Yes, some are overthinking this. On a positive note though, one which ensures touring in its several forms, this club of ours does not have a minimum nights booking policy as other providers do. This is an excellent feature many of us have, and will continue, to enjoy.
We often stay multiple and consecutive nights on club sites but not necessarily on the same site. Sometimes just one or two nights on each during our tours.
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I think some are overthinking this?
I agree, whether one night or more, caravan or motorhome, trailertent or just tent, over here or over there, planned stops or not. Touring is all inclusive, your'e leaving home and on an adventure, of course it's good for you, whats not to like.
So obvious an answer I'm sure research was not needed to come to that conclusion
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Another Wow, all this stress over the term 'Touring'. There are so many ways to enjoy our hobby and the choices we each make. The only right way to tour is the way that's right for you.
While touring may reduce your stress levels reading CT does the exact opposite.
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……only if you take it seriously. Relax. 😂
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As has been observed, it is far more difficult to "wing it" in this country, particularly if you are a tugger. Motorhomes do have the advantage of being able to manage with "no visible means of support" for several days, so not being able to find a pitch at short notice is less of an issue. Abroad, outside peak season on coastal sites, both caravans and motorhomes can 'just turn up' and be fairly sure of a pitch. Given the density of traffic in the UK, this coupled with the pitch availability issue does make touring 'over there' less stressful overall.