"You Said"

DPF Forum Participant Posts: 4
edited August 2022 in Club Membership #1

Has any member ever been contacted by the Club to ask their opinion? Whenever the people at HQ initiate a change they come up with anonymous quotations justifying the change. Like the letters page of the Club magazine criticism is never shown and one wonders how much consultation with members really happens. "You said"? who are you?

Here is a few of my "you saids" then.

1. I said " What are the Club doing to ameliorate the cost of living crisis"?

2. I said "Do you expect to continue raising prices every year?"

3. I said " When the Club was changed from the Caravan Club to the Caravan and Motorhome Club, how much did a) the new wardens uniforms cost and b) how much does each garish CMC sign cost to buy and fit ?

4. I said " Do all employees of the Club require to own and use a caravan, motorhome or other camping unit as a condition of their employment?"

5. I said "What plans does the Club have to require all HQ staff to work as wardens for two or more weeks a year"?



  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,160
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    edited August 2022 #2

     Deafening silence wink

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited August 2022 #3

     Three   about 1.5milleon?

    Four.   mostly yes 

    Five.   is already operating but not the period you asked




  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited August 2022 #4

    Ps all site staff are also members of the cc

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,139
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    edited August 2022 #5

    The answer to your first point is yes but it won't have covered all the headings you list. A few years ago the Club ran a series of question surveys although these seem no longer to take place but earlier this year members of CT were asked to volunteer on a survey which apparently concentrated on toilet blocks. I frequently get feedback surveys on sites I have stayed on where you can comment on quite a wide range of questions. For the last two AGM's (thanks to COVID!) we have been able to submit questions to the top guns of the Club at the AGM, the answers have proved in some cases to be quite illuminating. 

    It would be a mistake to assume the Club is run on democratic lines. Whilst there are elected committees those that are on those committees are chosen by quite a some part of the membership. I think we have to recognise that if management feel the Club should move in one direction, like the name change, (sensible in my view) they only have to persuade the Club Council who will have the benefit of all the evidence supporting such a change. 


  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,671
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    edited August 2022 #6

    1. I said " What are the Club doing to ameliorate the cost of living crisis"?

    Is that the job of the club? 

    2. I said "Do you expect to continue raising prices every year?"

    Yes, everything usually does

    3. I said " When the Club was changed from the Caravan Club to the Caravan and Motorhome Club, how much did a) the new wardens uniforms cost and b) how much does each garish CMC sign cost to buy and fit ?

    This overall figure was actually given by the club if I recall correctly. But my answer would be I don't care, what does it matter now, it's done and dusted

    4. I said " Do all employees of the Club require to own and use a caravan, motorhome or other camping unit as a condition of their employment?"

    I think so but what does it matter? If so it keeps prices down I would have thought?

    5. I said "What plans does the Club have to require all HQ staff to work as wardens for two or more weeks a year"?

    Why, are they going to be better than the wardens?

  • JollyKernow
    JollyKernow Forum Participant Posts: 2,629
    edited August 2022 #7


    DK gives a good explanation above but to address some of your points. There are 390,000 families in the club. Many many surveys are sent out to the membership daily, including an email invitation to review a recent stay at a clubsite you have been to. This is a great opportunity to have your say, no holds barred. Many changes have been made from the information received in these surveys. Unfortunately a lot of people don't use these opportunities.

    Anyway, point 4:- In the main, yes we have to have an outfit that is sound and legal for the road (there are a few positions where accommodation may be provided

    5:- Back in the day some staff from EGH used to have a weekend on a site to get a feel of things but personally I really don't see the necessity. EGH staff are employed in an office job environment and all that entails. We as site staff are employed to run sites. I for one would run a mile if I was expected to work in that office environment, I guess that's reciprocal. There are nowadays however certain key staff at EGH that spend a fair bit of time out on the network.

    Just to touch on your point 2, just on my site the electric bill alone has more than doubled this year, along with the fact we now have to use road diesel in our machinery. That fuel bill has also more than doubled, so the answer is probably.




  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,499
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    edited August 2022 #8

    Surveys are not the only opportunity to express views.  There are Regional question times every year which are advertised in the mag and to which every member is invited and also in addition to the Club's AGM there are Regional AGMs which members can attend. However even if you cannot be bothered with any of these you can always write to the Club.
