Toilet paper

According to our Thetford toilet cassette manual, we need special toilet paper for use with it. We haven't been able to get hold of this. Is it ok to use the normal paper, or will it cause problems?
You don't need to buy 'special' toilet rolls. We just use a slightly cheaper/thinner type in the van than what we'd buy for home.
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The special toilet paper is of course made by Thetford
Normal bog standard toilet paper is fine!
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Why on earth should it matter! We use the same as we use at home - thick & quilted!
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We use Crushell if that's how it's spelled. Soft enough for my delicateness and it dissolves fine (without chemicals). As long as it is paper, it should be fine.
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I'd say do a test at home, mix it around a bit and see how well it disintegrates. At least, that is what I'm going to try. We have Cushelle at home mostly and I find it breaks up quite well in the home toilet and is also soft. So my theory is, it might work OK in the caravan too, but who knows?
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Caravanning with cassette toilets over 24 years and have never used special paper, or had a problem with a blockage.
We used to search out thinner stuff, but sometimes it can just be too thin. Now we use whatever we have "in stock" at home, usually something from Lidl or Aldi. We rarely use the more expensive very thick stuff even at home.
Andy, what about chemicals? Are you going to be trying the cheap and easy method of Lidl/Aldi bio washing liquid pods in the cassette and plain water in the flush?
If you are not keen on that, I would try the Thetford or Elsan sachets, less weight to carry, no mess, easy to use.
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If you stick (excuse the pun) to a length of three pieces of ordinary soft loo roll at a time, it’s unlikely you will get a blockage. It’s those extravagant moments that are the issue😁
Don’t ever try Izal😂
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There’s always the “Roman” method. Stick, bit of moss……….not sure if moss breaks down though🤔😯
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We have been touring caravanners for almost 50 years and have always used our toilet fully, even over a 12-year period of 140 nights per year in Europe after retiring. We have always used the soft toilet paper we use at home or similar. We have never had a problem with toilet paper. The whole idea that it is necessary to use special paper is commercial nonsense.
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This is not the first time this question has come up from newbies and one can understand why. Grossly misleading marketing.
The responses in such threads show pretty much universal agreement that the dedicated toilet paper is not necessary, but a significant proportion consistently argue that "cheaper" or "thinner" paper is to be recommended. I say, rubbish to that!
I have always used the same toilet paper that is used at home and, for me, that is always a well-known, good-quality brand. I have never experienced any problems whatsoever with this and, moreover, this is from one who has more reason than most to have to give this matter consideration - though I shall refrain from explaining why this is so!
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One up, one down, one to polish. Mind how you go! - Norman Stanley Fletcher ( Fletch).
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Nonsense - since the stuff was invented we’ve never had an issue with emptying the tank.