Unconfirmed all sites arrival times to be 1300 hrs
Yes, possibly contributing to this ‘English’ problem as some would have us believe. As said, finding part time employees for a whole variety of reasons is a real problem, particularly so in the leisure industry! Aspects of the agricultural industry too. Not all down to the lazy and work shy.
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As far as the workforce is concerned I think this comment is both disingenuous and cynical. The casual labour shortage in the leisure industry and agricultural industry exists and the reasons why reflect badly on government and employers in my opinion. Just look at P&O.
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I agree - and although we seem to be drifting perilously close to political comments, let's just say that it is very easy for those of us, retired from well paid stimulating jobs and able to spend several hundreds of pounds each year on holidays home and abroad, to get judgemental about those who "fall through the system".
Anyway, to return to the OP, as, I think it was huskydog's comment at the start of the thread, if the current/new arrangements don't suit, the solution is simple - look elsewhere for those that do! 👍
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HI ALL. Let the wardens decide what time to let us in. If there site is ready whats the problem Some sites have poor parking in the approach to the entrance. when you have a queue it take.s longer to get booked in. The one o'clock time is less tim on site and with the site fee's going up well
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Thing is that argument which is really relevant to the very few but aimed at the many I’ve heard throughout my whole working life. It’s not right or fair! Now back on track. The whole employment laws/rules need redefining and strengthening with a proper living wage applied throughout..
Wherever loopholes/get out clauses exist the problems will possibly continue!
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There has always been a recruitment problem for site staff with caravan club even now but in the past well before Brexit? excuse ,some friends of ours staying with us on site now were the third set of new assistants to start on a busy site , as two couples before them could not hack the job which even now, is so different than looking in from a members point of view
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But how are members going to know which sites have wardens that will allow early arrivals and those that don't. It is not always possible to get an answer when contacting the site by phone to ask if there is an early arrival slot, so either an "arrival at any tjme" or a definitive "earliest arrival time", be that 12:00 or as in the future 13:00 for all, definitely not a mixture of the two times or the two different methods.
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As Nellie said above, an unknown factor as in early arrivals allowed today but maybe not tomorrow is no help to anyone.
Also, the arrival time is exactly that, not turn up at the gate 2 hours before in the hope you’ll be allowed in and, if not, park up and block the entrance road.
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I'm glad that members have like my post, as I had difficulty in trying to explain clearly what I meant, and then it took for ever, or it felt like that, to get it posted. What a bl**dy mess this web site is. It's a wonder there are any new members because had I thought of joining the CC the way this site works would make me think that if it's like this on a simple forum what's it like when trying to book a pitch or ask it techenical questions, or even ask "are their camp sites run as pooly". I think I would go elsewhere.
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You may find that several of the site shops will still be missing as the mountain of red tape now involved to provide the facility will make it prohibitive for some.
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So, We open our site tomorrow. It's been hard graft and a lot of laughs but we're happy and proud how everywhere looks. I've got 20 vans in, a mixture of tourers and seasonals and after speaking to many on the phone my first arrival will be around 10.00 am. It's empty & I'm ready why wouldn't I?.
The rest of the season we're with all other sites at 13.00, just going along with the brief to keep consistency. We've changed our working day back an hour to suit. Hell that means I don't get a cold beer until 18.30