Satelite dish

Debs60 Forum Participant Posts: 7
edited September 2021 in Caravans #1

Hi i have recently returned from a touring trip to devon and i saw several people using top boxes and portable satelite dishes can i have some recomendations on decent dishes please without spending an absolute fortune ? TIA 


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,139
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    edited September 2021 #2

    I would have a look at this website which will give you an idea of costs involved. In addition to the dish you would need a satellite receiver, a signal finder would also be useful and of course some cable. A 60cms dish would be the maximum you would need in the UK.  It might even be worth have a look at ebay for anyone selling complete kits as they usually work out cheaper.


  • Debs60
    Debs60 Forum Participant Posts: 7
    edited September 2021 #3

    Is the satelite receiver the freeview box ?

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,387
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    edited September 2021 #4

    It’s a Freesat box with a dish, which gives you a similar programme guide to freeview. There are also generic boxes or decoders that give you all the channels but without the ease of the Freesat guide. Some TV’s such as the Avtex have a satellite decoder built in as well as the freeview. Very useful if you are limited for anywhere to place the box, as we are in our MH.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,139
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    edited September 2021 #5

    What Steve said above but just to confuse matters a little more! You can receive a satellite signal through a Freesat receiver or a Free to Air type receiver. The Freesat will concentrate on the types of UK programmes you tend to get through an aerial at home or in the van. Free to Air receivers tend to pick up a wider range of satellites and even on Astra 28.2 you will get many more channels although it is of course a bit subjective as to whether you will want themwink

    This is an example of the sort of kit you can buy from Amazon 


  • Trini
    Trini Club Member Posts: 429
    edited September 2021 #6

    We, or I should say I, tried the manual type of dish and failed miserably and so had to resort to an automatic dish which when connected would find the sat itself.

    True it was expensive now around £700 but for me its been worth it.

    Cello also do a travellers tv which have sat receivers fitted and are far cheaper than Avtex

  • eribaMotters
    eribaMotters Club Member Posts: 1,241
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    edited September 2021 #7

    Debs, first question is do you want a dish fot satelite specific channels or to watch "normal" TV programs.



  • Debs60
    Debs60 Forum Participant Posts: 7
    edited September 2021 #8

    Colin we watch both tbh my

    mind is spinning now 🤯🤯

  • Debs60
    Debs60 Forum Participant Posts: 7
    edited September 2021 #9

    Colin both tbh my mind is now spining 🤯🤯

  • Debs60
    Debs60 Forum Participant Posts: 7
    edited September 2021 #10

    David have you or anyone you know used that type of one from amazon ? It is very reasonably priced ? If it works of course 😊

  • eribaMotters
    eribaMotters Club Member Posts: 1,241
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    edited September 2021 #11

    Debs I was ignorant as regards satelite TV and do not have one at home. I bought a 2nd hand Multimo as it was small and well made. When I look around sites it would appear anything works in the UK, it is all about getting it lined up. 

    The Avtex TV with built in receiver is a dream. Other makes are available. We use this and the TV Avtex aerial in the UK and have never failed to get reception.

    Abroad I take a self seeking Snipe dish, expensive but again this has not failed me and I've used it well down into the Dordogne.



  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,139
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    edited September 2021 #12


    I have use something very similar in the past. We used to take an 80cms dish with us when we went abroad, initially so we could watch F1 where ever we were. In the UK it was relatively easy to set up. You need line of sight to the sky, so not pitching under trees. Most Club site plans have a compass point to the north so you can get a rough idea of where you need to pitch. You need clear sight to the south/east. The initial setting up of the receiver will take a little time but on subsequent trips it should just be a case of connecting everything up and just aligning the dish and you will have a picture. We gave up on portable dishes when we changed to a motorhome and treated ourselves to an automatic roof mounted dish which was lovely but very expensive. Our new motorhome has an aerial so we have not bother to go back to a satellite dish. The Club have a technical page of watching TV whilst in your caravan or motorhome here It might be worth a read.


  • harry1000
    harry1000 Forum Participant Posts: 78
    edited September 2021 #13

    We gave up on terrestrial TV reception in the caravan long ago. 15 years ago give or take, I bought a Maplins 'suitcase sat system, which included everything except the TV, in a plastic carry box. I was one of the earliest adopters of sat for touring caravans.

    The dish is lightweight plastic and came with several methods of mounting, all of which I threw away in favour of one I developed myself - a short bit of awning pole, flattened at one end, with a clamp for the dish at the other end. I simply knock the pole into the ground a few inches and mount the dish on it, before adjusting it to align to the sat.

    The kit came with a 'sat finder' which I have never seen before. Basically a combined compass and inclinometer. You just clip the finder onto the dish, dial into it the satellite you want to receive, then move the dish to line the compass/inclinometer up to get it roughly to the right area of sky.

    Receiver and TV will already be on and the receiver has a tone option - Low tone = no signal and the tone goes higher the stronger the signal. So I just sweep the dish about in the general direction and tweak for highest tone, job done a picture appears and I then just tighten the clamp up.

    I have used it all over the UK, including the north of Scotland, it has never failed to get a picture and it takes just a minute to set up and align.  The dish isn't quite big enough to ensure reception in really thick storm cloud conditions, but such is rare.

    Dish, clips on to LNB arm, these plus pole, plus coax and finder, all fit in a small plastic carrier bag. The bag can then be slotted into the cupboard behind the blown air heater, which is otherwise just dead space. Receiver stays put in a high cupboard, with a coax from it, to a F-socket in the battery compartment to connect the dish.

    The receiver only has a Scart output. So for now we have to borrow the old flat screen TV from the kitchen, the only one which supports Scart. Planned is a new TV just for the caravan, with HDMI and new HD sat receiver to match, but keeping the old dish. The original caravan TV was a tiny 12v flat screen, which I gave away a couple of years ago.  

  • Unknown
    edited September 2021 #14
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  • redface
    redface Forum Participant Posts: 1,701
    edited October 2021 #15

      Hi Debs. 

    I bless the day that I purchased a Tracvision - R4SL system for my caravan.

    As others have mentioned ensure that the view towards East and South is clear of trees and the automatic satellite search will find the satellite.

    Not cheap but, from my point of view, (pardon the pun) well worth it. over the past 10 yrs. or so.

    The system comprises a fixed dome on the roof, cables down into the point where your TV will be, a satellite receiver and your TV. To set it up merely ask the receiver to find - say - BBC1 then switch on the automatic tracking. When channel found switch off and enjoy watching whatever channel you then chose.

    Good luck

  • eribaMotters
    eribaMotters Club Member Posts: 1,241
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    edited October 2021 #16

    OK, time to gloat now. It's 2019 and we are at a wonderful site, Port de Limueil in the Dordogne, east of Bergerac.

    An English camper with huge caravan, huge car, huge dish and huge ego is trying to get a lock on Astra 2 with manual set-up dish.

    I pass by on way to pool and back again 1/2 hour later when by now he is getting "annoyed" and threatening to put it away as it's impossible to get a signal. I tried to correct him as I'm 40m away with a self seek Snipe 2. He insists t's impossible to get a signal. He is not happy when I say I've been watching TV for the last week. His face goes a strange shade of red and I walk away.

    Auto seek dishes are brilliant, especially on the limits of where a signal is available or where you are juggling a position where you have trees obscuring your signal reception. If you can afford one then buy it.



  • Lutz
    Lutz Forum Participant Posts: 1,569
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    edited October 2021 #17

    I use a Satfinder app on my mobile phone with which I can not only log on to Astra 28.2 but any media satellite in the sky including some pretty obscure ones which only transmit a very limited number of equally obscure channels, but it’s really quite fascinating to see what you can pick up on the TV if you search around a bit. I think that by now I’ve got about 1,400 channels stored on my TV and that’s only the ones in languages that I can understand.

    The app works a treat for any satellite.

  • Debs60
    Debs60 Forum Participant Posts: 7
    edited October 2021 #18

    Please can i ask which app you are using

  • Unknown
    edited October 2021 #19
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