New Beginnings...

So where do I start. I own a construction company and for over 10 years I been going Mexico 3 or 4 times a year, anyway long story short Im currently going through a divorce after I was told all I cared about was working etc so this resulted in a split. Iv met a wonderful new woman whom brings 2 sons to the table along with my 3 daughters so there is 7 of us now and I (Maybe in a moment of madness) decided to buy a caravan. These types of holidays are going to be a new thing for me and Iv just been snooping about on the site to see where is best go for places aimed at children so pool etc would be great.
Im based in South Wales so not looking to travel miles and miles away because although Iv regularly towed air compressors due to work its the first time I towed a caravan that is just shy of 8m with a car that's just under 4m. I hope I have many years of fun ahead but can anyone recommend somewhere to go on our first trip? Please no tight country roads etc because Im not ready for that just yet lol
Thanks in advance guys!
Moderator Comment - Moved from the Story Section as likely to get a better response.
A van that is 8M long is possibly too heavy for a car that is only 4M long. The tail will end up wagging the dog.