Pathetic Club Wi Fi

Twos more then one
Twos more then one Forum Participant Posts: 373
edited August 2021 in Club Products & Services #1

Spent £30 for a years access to the clubs Wi Fi, and have been swindled 
Out of 8 sites only one had a slow ,but acceptable level of performance, the other Seven where that bad that most of the time the pages timed out ,some times it took ages to simply log on 
When you bought this up to the site managers , you got the same reply. it was members streaming that was the issue 
If that is the case , then the club should block streaming on sites where the Wi Fi is not up to it 



  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,729
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    edited August 2021 #2

    I think you have been on CT a long enough time to have read all the threads regarding how poor the wifi provided can be and how it can be hit and miss depending upon the site you're on.

    The club does grade sites from gold to bronze (see here) and some silver and the bronze ones are sadly not suitable for streaming. 

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,250
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    edited August 2021 #3

    Just returned from Broadway today. The EE signal was pretty non-existent, at least on the part of the site we were on. To save Margaret's data (02) I tried several times to uses this website via the site WiFi which should be free to use. Managed once or twice to get a connection but it didn't last long. My laptop is only a couple of months old and of a good spec so where exactly is the issue? I noticed in Broadway they had Fibre Cabinets so high speed broadband is not far away. I wonder if the equipment on site is getting so old now that it is not reliable enough? If I have a data connection I don't habitually check what the site WiFi is like so perhaps I was just unlucky at Broadway?


  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited August 2021 #4

    I have the annual WiFi and depending how far from civilisation the club site remember it is a village  and also whether some are streaming or as found out using equipment that allows more than one device to be used ?yell and the site is still at the end of a copper wire as not many yet have had fibre run to sites ,

    I have had slow but not unusable WiFi on the 6 sites so far 7 including the one I am posting on now but as the other thread the booking system has a real problem this week since the last "essential maintainance"t

  • Twos more then one
    Twos more then one Forum Participant Posts: 373
    edited August 2021 #5

    Not everyone has been on this forum for ever ,like on all forum, members will bring up issues that have been discussed previously, that is normal ,and no reason to close, or not have the same discussion , for those that have not discussed it before. No one is forcing you to discus the issue, if you do not want to 


  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,413
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    edited August 2021 #6

    I always used to find the WiFi reasonable and bought an annual pass four years running. The last one ran out before the pandemic started, so once things started up again I thought I would check out the free club site access before purchasing, given how full the sites were. In most cases the WiFi was poor to very poor and like David, often would not connect. I put it down to two factors, fuller than normal sites for the times we go away and a different demographic to pre pandemic. However, whatever the reason I have decided not to buy and use my 4G. This with a combination of EE and O2 has almost always worked, Clumber Park so far being the only exception. Strangely the C&CC inclusive WiFi, whilst slow did work on the 3 sites we have used. I’m not sure what that says.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,729
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    edited August 2021 #7

    Yes but you certainly have been on long enough to know the score on wifi, if I recall correctly you have contributed to it before, apologies if not of course.

    However that aside my post still stands, the club has clearly said it's wifi on silver and bronze sites may not allow streaming and lists those very sites, so have you been swindled?

    And yes I do want tosmile

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,520
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    edited August 2021 #8

    I can see at least 3 threads on the subject of site Wi-fi on the first page of the Club Products section and I know there are many more.

    The appalling performance really shouldn't have come as a surprise to you, TMTO. You could ask Air Angel for a refund I suppose.

  • Hja
    Hja Club Member Posts: 908
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    edited August 2021 #9

    Whilst agreeing with most of your post, just a note of caution about location of fibre cabinets.

    We live in a suburban area, on a main road.  We have no fibre broadband connection to our local cabinet.  We are however, surrounded by houses that do have this facility.  Our "bit" of the main road, and a few streets behind are connected to the same cabinet.  There are no plans to upgrade it, according to Openreach.

    The point I am making is that just because parts of Broadway can get high speed internet, does not  necessarily mean that the site may get it in the foreseeable future.

  • Twos more then one
    Twos more then one Forum Participant Posts: 373
    edited August 2021 #10

    Your memory is wrong, neither is your false apology accepted  


  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,729
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    edited August 2021 #11

    well I did try and apologise if I was incorrect, that is all I can do. Your choice on refusal.

    But you seem to be dodging the question that with the sites graded with respect to wifi have you been swindled?

  • redface
    redface Forum Participant Posts: 1,701
    edited August 2021 #12

    Have recently spent 1 month touring England, for £15per month with O2 I got all the data I could eat, including streaming, on all the sites I visited (not club sites I hasten to add.)

    That might have been a 'one off' offer by them but I have no doubt that other providers might have similar packages. Of course these will also work on CLs, in the high street or mostly wherever you are

    Don't bother with the clubs expensive option if it doesn't work for you.

  • redface
    redface Forum Participant Posts: 1,701
    edited August 2021 #13

    That is to say (not club sites I hasten to add.) I meant that I did not visit club sites but CLs.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited August 2021 #14

    02 in our area of Hertfordshire is a waste of money

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,957
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    edited August 2021 #15

    Generally, I find the 3 Network has been fine to access the internet whilst on site.  Never bothered with the site Wi-Fi.  I don't stream videos or do games, but I have taken part in Zoom meetings on a fairly regular basis.  It does, of course, vary from location to location, but have always managed.  As mobile networks get better, and with some exceptions, I can see the need for site Wi-Fi will generally get less...  As it gets used less, I would imagine it will be more expensive to run (as less folk with be paying for it).... I wonder if it could well disappear in the future?


  • Twos more then one
    Twos more then one Forum Participant Posts: 373
    edited August 2021 #16

    I never accept obvious false apologies 
    This was the first year  i have used that CCMC WiFi, so had no experience of the clubs Wi Fi to make a comment , yet you claim to have a memory of some non existent post.
    Yes i have read the different levels, but as i never used video streaming ,and all my usage was for basic web browsing ,on all the sites i visited, by the clubs   description i should have  had no problem, yet as i posted many times the page timed out, would not load  or  froze etc


  • Twos more then one
    Twos more then one Forum Participant Posts: 373
    edited August 2021 #17

    I assume you mean mobile data not Wi Fi, that is  a different issue, nothing to do with the club 



  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,520
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    edited August 2021 #18

    Read to the end of David's post, TMTO, and you will see where site wifi fits into the scenario.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited August 2021 #19

    We tour normally for about 200or more nights on club sites ,and apart from it being slow when on busy sites all grades m I have never experianced the problem you say you have had,undecided 

    There was a problem last week with the booking system   but it seems to be sorted as it is fast today. At this sitewink

  • Twos more then one
    Twos more then one Forum Participant Posts: 373
    edited August 2021 #20

    I did read the end of the post, and ignored it, as  mobile data and tethering has nothing to do , and is irrelevant to the issue of the Wi Fi service the Club provides, and  member pay for 

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,520
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    edited August 2021 #21
    1. David's post was relevant as he discussed site Wi-fi vs mobi network.
    2. He did not mention tethering.
    3. To ignore part of his post and then round on him due to your own choice of ignoring the relevance makes no sense.
  • Twos more then one
    Twos more then one Forum Participant Posts: 373
    edited August 2021 #22

    I did not round on him,i  chose to  ignore the parts of the post that was not relevant to the issue of paying to use the clubs Wi Fi, Never said he mentioned tethering 
    Explain how mobile data has anything to do with a member paying to use the Caravans club Wi Fi ,if as you claim it is relevant, or connected ?


  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,520
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    edited August 2021 #23

    You need to re-read the posts, including your own, so I’ll leave you to it.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,729
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    edited August 2021 #24

    I never accept obvious false apologies

    So you have already said, and I really envy you the wisdom to know when an apology is obviously false.

    Back to your OP, do you feel swindled then, and what do you wish to take the matter forward? 

  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited August 2021 #25

    David said that club provided Wi-Fi is p/poor and in time, it's likely to be completely superseded by mobile data  ... whether you tether is irrelelevent.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,250
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    edited August 2021 #26

    It is far from irrelevant in my view. The reason why many of us now use our own data via our mobile phones, is that we have been disappointed with the quality of the Club's WiFi system. To be told by the Club staff that the poor WiFi was due to people "streaming" just sounds like an excuse to me as they have no way of knowing although during the evening it is a possibility. Do people stream at 10.00am, probably not. If your experience has been so bad I think I would contact Air Angel and give them chapter and verse and there is an outside chance they may refund you, no guarantees. Perhaps time to think about getting your own mobile data package  so that you are independent of the constraints of Club WiFi?


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,957
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    edited August 2021 #27

    Apologies if my post caused confusion.  It may well be worth contacting the Club or Air Angel direct with specific details.  They may be able to offer a more detailed explanation.


  • Twos more then one
    Twos more then one Forum Participant Posts: 373
    edited August 2021 #28

    When a poster makes a false  statement to support their  view ,then in the next sentence follows up with a crude non apology ,  the apology is false 


  • Twos more then one
    Twos more then one Forum Participant Posts: 373
    edited August 2021 #29

    The opening post is is solely to do with the charge and quality of the clubs Wi FI ,not the service provided by mobile network providers ,which is irrelevant to the issue 


  • Twos more then one
    Twos more then one Forum Participant Posts: 373
    edited August 2021 #30

    Having paid for the Clubs WiFi service  i agree 
    I only mentioned tethering to make the two comparable for screen size 



  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,413
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    edited August 2021 #31

    Perhaps it depends on if you pay or not JVB. I was able to read your comment above soon after you posted. Then having been online all of 10 minutes was thrown out. I haven't managed to get back on until now, although have tried several times.☹️