Jockey wheel out

DouglasDB Forum Participant Posts: 2
edited July 2021 in Caravans #1

The top of the jockey wheel has come out of the tube on the a frame. Jamming when I try to push it down again. One obstacle seems to be the bracket used to tighten it in place I can loosen it so far. ANy idea if I have to shift any catch out of the way to get it down. 

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  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,856
    500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited July 2021 #2

    From memory, I had this happen. I seem to recall the bottom of the outer jockey wheel tube had ‘flared’ out somehow. I just took the jockey wheel apart, and gave the ‘flared’ part a good bash, obviously taking care not to overdo it.

  • DouglasDB
    DouglasDB Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited July 2021 #3

    FOrget this: all I had to do was to lever the clamp back using a screwdriver which let the top section drip back into place.