Centre Minutes

I have been informed that centres should not publish monthly meeting minutes so that members can see them.
Bearing in mind that the Caravan and Motorhome club is a private members organisation, why can registered members not see minutes to see what is going on in the Centre and to help where ever possible. When all comes to all, all committee members and rally marshals are volunteers who give up their time freely and want to be involved, it is not a secret society. It therefore seems a little strange that some centres do still publish monthly minutes for members to keep themselves up to date.
Did this instruction about minutes availability come from the executive committee of the Caravan and Motorhome Club or from another source? I would have thought in these days of freedom of information that this would be easily achievable. I would be very grateful if someone could help me out.
Obviously where awards are to be made they need to be kept under cover until the appropriate time.
Moderator Comment - I have moved this to the discussion area as you are asking questions. I also wonder whether you would be better off contacting the Club direct?