Warped overhead locker doors

Apperley Club Member Posts: 254
edited June 2021 in Motorhomes #1

I own a 2017 Bailey Autograph II 75-4. Some of the overhead locker doors are warping in the top corners and I wondered if anyone else had experienced and/or remedied the problem. Obviously it’s out of warranty now. I’ve spoken to my dealer who referred me to Bailey, who referred me to the dealer. I’ve also contacted Morland who provide the cabinets to Bailey, they said to contact Bailey.

So, the overhead locker doors have gas struts at the edge and then a hinge 4 inches in from the strut. It appears to me that regular closing against the gas strut forces the outer edge to warp upwards as repeated closing forces the strut and outer edge of the door against the retaining hinge. The medium doors have 2 gas struts of 120nm with the larger doors have 2 struts of 150nm. The one smallest locker over the TV stand has a 150nm strut, which seems too powerful to me.

The newer 2021 Bailey Autograph III has no gas struts but uses sprung hinges that hold the door open. If I can find a suitable sprung hinges I may replace the hinges and do away with the struts.

Has anyone else experienced this problem and is there an easy way to straighten the doors?


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,190
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    edited June 2021 #2


    Are you a member of the Bailey Motorhome Owners Facebook Group? Probably someone there might be able to help. I have had two Bailey motorhomes (not the Autograph) and thus far my locker doors have been fine. 


  • Apperley
    Apperley Club Member Posts: 254
    edited June 2021 #3

    Thanks David, personally I’m anti-Facebook, but that is an idea. I am aware of the forum.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,190
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    edited June 2021 #4


    Sometimes "Needs must when the devil drives" wink


  • Apperley
    Apperley Club Member Posts: 254
    edited June 2021 #5

    Hi David, my wife put the post on The Bailey FB forum. Only one reply to say they were experiencing same problem, but no solutions yet. I’ve ordered replacement sprung hinges and removed the gas struts. I’ll update when I manage to solve the issue as I think many will be experiencing the same issue.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,190
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    edited June 2021 #6

    I saw the post! Sometimes you get loads of replies and other times not, I suppose it depends on how common the problem is. Hope the spring hinges work.



  • Apperley
    Apperley Club Member Posts: 254
    edited June 2021 #7

    Just an update in case anyone else has the same problem. I bought a pair of sprung hinges from Prima Leisure, but decided it was not the way to go as the footprint didn’t match the existing hinges and would require new screws holes and leave old holes. Instead I decided to replace the gas struts with lower strength ones.

    Bailey use Hafele gas struts. In the lounge area the 3 largest locker doors were fitted with 150n struts. The bedroom had 120nm on 3 lockers. The smallest locker near the habitation door above the TV stand was also fitted with a 150n, totally over the top. This door is warping left the edge and compromising the catch which on this locker door is on the same edge rather than the middle.

    So I took the 120’s off the 3 bedroom locker doors and put them in the lounge, removing the 150s. I bought 6 Hafele 80n struts from Toolstation (£5 each) and put them on the 3 bedroom lockers. I’ve ordered a 60n strut on Amazon for the small locker over the TV stand. (60n not available from Toolstation).

    So far all seems to work OK. I might look at removing the worst doors at some stage and try to straighten the warp with weights or clamps.

    The photo shows the worst warping. 

  • commeyras
    commeyras Club Member Posts: 1,853
    1000 Comments 250 Likes
    edited June 2021 #8

    Apologies for posting in the motorhome section but the BOTTOM corners of the front overhead locker on my Bailey caravan are warped!  I have tried unsuccessfully to straighten them by applying counter force with weights and clamps for a period of days so I have fitted magnets to hold the locker closed.  A carpenter has recently moved in near us so I will be asking for his advice - hopefully he has some sort of steamer to straighten the wood.  Not the end of the world but it would be nice to have a flush locker again.

  • Apperley
    Apperley Club Member Posts: 254
    edited June 2021 #9

    Thanks commeyras, it would be useful to know how you get on as my initial thought was weights and clamps to straighten.

  • commeyras
    commeyras Club Member Posts: 1,853
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    edited June 2021 #10

    Will do Apperley.  

  • commeyras
    commeyras Club Member Posts: 1,853
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    edited August 2021 #11

    Apperley.  Just to let you know that I have not forgotten.  My neighbour has been away or I have and have not been able to speak to him about my locker door.

  • Apperley
    Apperley Club Member Posts: 254
    edited August 2021 #12

    Thanks Commeyras, I’ve not done anything more and await your update with interest - thanks for coming back to me.

  • eribaMotters
    eribaMotters Club Member Posts: 1,257
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    edited August 2021 #13

    I've done architectural joinery and cabinet work for nearly 40 years. If a door or panel has twisted significantly then removing it and weighing it down with weights will have no long term effect.

    If you can alter the tension it is under in situ by using different stays or struts then this is your best option and the one I would go with, unless new doors are available.



  • Apperley
    Apperley Club Member Posts: 254
    edited August 2021 #14

    Thanks Colin, I’ve swapped all the gas struts for weaker ones. I’ve not tried straightening yet so thanks for your advice. Replacement doors are expensive so I’ll see how I go with the weaker struts. 

  • ThePerrys
    ThePerrys Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited November 2021 #15

    Hi we are experiencing the same problem with our 2019 Bailey Autograph 79-4T.  We reported it under warranty early in 2020 and are still waiting for Bailey to supply the parts for the warranty work to be done!!!  Their service is awful, they of course blame lockdown and brexit, but its been almost 2 years now.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited November 2021 #16

    Have you contacted Bailey direct? 

    We have found if you go through your dealer  very often they hope you will just get fed up and not keep making the have to do some after sales backupundecided

  • Apperley
    Apperley Club Member Posts: 254
    edited November 2021 #17

    Hi The Perry's, mine is a 2017 model, so out of warranty. I've replaced the gas struts with less powerful ones, 180nm to 150nm. It seemed to occur during this spring summer. I'll just have to live with it, new locker doors are expensive. Thanks.

  • vbfg
    vbfg Club Member Posts: 528
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    edited November 2021 #18

    It really is disgraceful that neither the manufacturers, the dealers or the suppliers of the locker doors want to take any responsibility for the problem, or offer any assistance, bearing in mind that the van is only 4 years old.  It certainly discourages me from buying anything from Bailey if I want in future, to trade in my M/H for a more modern one.