Member choice and fairness

DaveT Forum Participant Posts: 174
edited May 2021 in Caravan & Motorhome Chat #1

My previous post, ‘Is it time to change hardstanding policy’ elicited some good feedback. Unfortunately the discussion meandered into aires and some personal exchanges between members. Hence, it was locked.
The original post was to determine if, under the changed circumstances of increased demand for pitches, members should have the option to book hardstandings.

Having looked at the responses from members to my previous post, perhaps the hardstanding should be a default booking and the grass pitch a booking option.

There was no intent to enter into landscaping site preferences or if vehicles should/should not be able to free themselves from grass pitches. Introducing red herrings such as drainage etc is immaterial as the technology exists even if the will/budget doesn’t. Throwing in the ‘booking issues’ argument is spurious because the system copes with some member preferences already. Remember, we are not considering booking individual pitch numbers, although many commercial sites already do.

No, this is about fairness and choice.

I commend the members who have posted and have quite candidly admitted that they prefer grass pitches except when the weather makes pitches unpleasant/impossible to use. By then selecting a hardstanding on arrival, they are inadvertently either denying another member a break or making their stay less enjoyable. Is this fair or reasonable?

Members must have a choice, and if the preference is for grass then they should be able to book it and stay on it. Those that prefer hardstandings should also be able to pre-book their preference for a usable pitch. 

We should also consider the Site Managers who have to manage the ‘early birds’ and the queues of members who wish to choose their type of pitch. A reserved type of pitch could, to a large extent, alleviate the early scramble.

It does seem rather archaic that some members feel under pressure to arrive as soon as possible, or even early, to exercise their choice. Unfortunately, the Site Managers are the first in line to deal with stressed members who cannot exercise their choice and often just want to help members have a decent break. 

Other organisations seem to have mastered customer choice, I do hope the CAMC will follow their example.   


  • JollyKernow
    JollyKernow Forum Participant Posts: 2,629
    edited May 2021 #2

    You don't like grass then?!!


  • bandgirl
    bandgirl Club Member Posts: 441
    edited May 2021 #3

    Dave, I think there are pros and cons to being able to book a particular type of pitch, and not being able to.  In your previous OP you mentioned there is an increasing ratio of motorhomes to caravans, and the implication was that motorhomes should have preference to booking hardstanding pitches because of their weight.  As caravanners, we also like to have a hardstanding, if possible, however we’ll go on a grass pitch if no hardstandings are available and/or it’s dry weather.  I don’t want to take mud and wet grass into the caravan, plus we don’t have a 4x4 to drag our modestly sized caravan out of a muddy pitch.

    Yes, pre booking your preferred type of pitch might eliminate the race to get a hardstanding, if that’s what you want, but it wouldn’t stop everyone from arriving early to get the best of whichever pitch type they booked.  Some people want a pitch by the facilities, dog walk, playground etc., and others don’t.

    A disadvantage, as I think someone mentioned in the other thread, is that it could limit the number of pitches available of any kind at any given time because the arrival and departure dates on each pitch would have to coincide.  On one pitch over a 7 day period, for example, you might have a booking from Saturday to Tuesday, then Thursday to Saturday.  You could then only let out that pitch to someone that wants to stay Tuesday to Thursday, or leave it empty for two nights, thus losing revenue.  If everyone comes and goes on whichever day they please and makes a choice from what’s available on the day of arrival, no problem.

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,890
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    edited May 2021 #4

    I like to choose the pitch based on direction when parked; overhang of tree; views; being away from lavatories, dog walks and children playgrounds; not being close to already pitched outfits with dogs in cages; etc. 

    While some of those factors can be determined with the (rather pathetic) site maps, Ordnance Survey and satelite pictures the final decision is made on arrival.  Whether the "best" available pitch is grass or some hard stuff is really not of concern, but I would be hopping mad if I was forced to book one type over another, only to find I was barred from access to the "best" pitch because I had booked the other surface.

    So if a choice of surface was to be forced onto members at time of booking, there would surely have to be an option for "either" in order to promote fairness and choice.


  • DaveT
    DaveT Forum Participant Posts: 174
    edited May 2021 #5

    Bandgirl, the OP mentioned that the ratio of Motorhomes to caravans has changed over the years, this is an observation and not an implication that Motorhomes should have priority for hardstandings. It merely illustrates that there is an increasing demand for hardstandings. What I have witnessed before is Site Managers reserving hardstandings for Motorhomes when grass pitches have become soft. The caravans are directed towards other available grass pitches.

    Like you, we prefer hardstandings with our caravan for a variety of reasons. I take your point about early birds.

    The impact on the booking system of being able to specify a type of pitch is minimal compared with the complexity other organisations successfully manage. In fact, it would be interesting if members would be able to specify a grass pitch at the time of booking. I wonder how many would be happy committing to such an option. In fact I wonder what the % occupancy would be throughout the season. 

    Navigateur, we are of a similar view and requirements. Our research is performed on google, the dumbed down site map and of course OS maps.

    Where we differ (if I have interpreted your 'either' option correctly) is that your last paragraph advocates maintaining the status quo of choosing when you arrive on site. This works reliably if you have no preference for either type of pitch. Arriving on site with the only choice of a soggy grass pitch is not mine or many other members idea of a good experience.

    I take your point of driving around the site to finalise your decision of pitch location as opposed to type. I am not sure how much this influences your original choice based on your prior research, but I guess this applies more to new sites than ones you have previously visited. 

    I am very keen on equality for all members, whichever unit type they prefer and whichever type of facilities they prefer. I think it reasonable that members should be able to specify choices at the booking stage.   


  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,890
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    edited May 2021 #6

    My option of "either" would also allow a sensible choice between the flooded hard surface pitch at the bottom of the slope and the dry grass one at the top.

    By the way - we never go back to a previous visited site while there are so many others to experience. All the green, and now white, discs keep us right.

  • MikeyA
    MikeyA Forum Participant Posts: 1,072
    edited May 2021 #7

    It will never work when the price for both types is the same. Make the difference £6 per night and more would choose grass if good weather was forecast at the time of booking.

    If a member could change from hardstanding to grass on arrival (and save money)you would have even more hardstandings available for those who had the audacity not to book in the first place.




  • MikeyA
    MikeyA Forum Participant Posts: 1,072
    edited May 2021 #8

    It is easier if you just have a map covered with coloured sticky dots  to remind you where you have been and which areas still need a visit.


  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited May 2021 #9
    The user and all related content has been Deleted User
  • DaveT
    DaveT Forum Participant Posts: 174
    edited May 2021 #10

    Are you proposing a pilot for your suggestion MikeyA?

    Navigateur, your proposal regarding choice in extreme conditions is very sensible. My recent experience of the CAMC is that they tend to contact you and cancel your holiday when pitches are flooded. At least this means that you do not travel only to find a swimming pool on arrival.

    Whatever your view of global warming, we are experiencing more unpredictable weather patterns. The CAMC cannot be expected to prepare for every eventuality, however, they can plan and build in better resilience with improved drainage and surfaces which are in use more often than not.


  • dunelm
    dunelm Forum Participant Posts: 373
    edited May 2021 #11

    Dave T,

    Are you also a member of The Caravan and Camping Club?

    If you are, then you will know that when making a CCC site booking you select whether you want a hardstanding pitch (with ehu) or a grass pitch (with ehu). On many sites you can also book a grass pitch without ehu.

  • DaveT
    DaveT Forum Participant Posts: 174
    edited May 2021 #12

    JollyKernow, apologies, I missed your post. Grass pitches don't suit our needs, but they should be available for members to book them if that is their preference. In many ways it is an extension of you choice  to book a site with or without facilities, awning or non-awning, serviced or not.

  • DaveT
    DaveT Forum Participant Posts: 174
    edited May 2021 #13

    Thanks dunelm, presumably the logistics work for both the CCC and the  membership as they seem to be successful. 

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,427
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    edited May 2021 #14

    Well, I’m not sure where this thread is going or, indeed, why you started it, Dave. We've said all there was to say in your first thread - that's the usual reason for drifting off topic when the subject has run it's course and I foresee the same happening here if it's allowed to continue.



  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,525
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    edited May 2021 #15

    Just wondering if the site and pitch types are not fully booked then would it be considered okay to swap on arrival from hard standing to grass, from awning to non awning? After all this would not impact on total occupation but may also be helpful on occasions in the management of site on a day to day basis.

  • DaveT
    DaveT Forum Participant Posts: 174
    edited May 2021 #16

    Tinwheeler, I had hoped that the reason for starting the discussion was more obvious. I do believe that discussion amongst members is healthy when respecting the rules of this site. 

    You imply that you represent and have canvassed the membership for their opinion, although I am sure you didn't mean this. Nevertheless, you may well be correct in your assertion that it has run its course.

    I am grateful to the members that have taken the time to respond with their thoughts either way on this topic.

    The CAMC is a good organisation and I look forward to the coming changes under the auspices of continuous improvement.


  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,890
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    edited May 2021 #17

     If you are, then you will know that when making a CCC site booking you select whether you want a hardstanding pitch (with ehu) or a grass pitch (with ehu). On many sites you can also book a grass pitch without ehu.

    At booking they also want the width of one's unit, which implies some pitches may not be spaced so generously as The Caravan Club in terms of the six meter fire safety consideration.