What caravan do you recommend ?

KevinO Forum Participant Posts: 17

I'm a newbie/returnee to caravanning (just signed up to this site today,28.3.21) and not knowing what will suit me. I'm looking for a four birth fixed bed caravan. I don't mind if it's an Island bed or two single. But I'm not fancying a van that I have to make a bed up every night. My first criteria is internal head height and bed length. I'm 6ft 2" and don't like the thought of bowing my head when walking up and down the caravan, or my feet dangling two feet over the end of the bed. Can all you experienced caravanners put me in the right direction? Much appreciated. Kevin


Moderator Edit:

As this thread is a duplicate of your post in "New to caravanning" section, I'm locking it to avoid duplication.