Caravan Tyres / Change
Tried to book my caravan in for tyre changes ( with Tyron bands ) this morning but I am not allowed to take my van from Storage to Tyre Depot.
When can i do this ? Probably when caravan parks open ??
Any thoughts ?
That's the obvious answer and most tyre depots will thank you for not taking the caravan to their premises.
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Unlikely that the storage place would allow you to have access to your caravan until 12th April. When we needed our tyres replaced the company we use did a mobile service. They went to our storage site, took the wheels off, took them back to their workshop (we have Tyron Bands), then took the wheels back to fit them to the caravan. Likely to be much easier than taking your caravan to a workshop if you have one locally that can do a mobile service. We used our local Watling Tyres.
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I've had full access to my caravan all the time. I was last there on Saturday. Stored in a cassoa gold (soon to become platinum) facility.
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On the subject of tyres i have a Bailey Unicorn that is fitted with Mitchilin tyres i am told they should be changed after 7 years providing the walls are ok,is this correct ?
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7 years is a maximum, I'd suggest. Have you checked the date on the tyres, as they could be older than the van?
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I think it's worth noting that we should also look at our car tyres. We run a 2014 VW UP and it has two of the original tyres on the back after 24K miles. It just passed MOT with no advisories but I suggested to the garage that with the rear tyres showing fine cracks in the tread grooves it was time for me to replace. Whilst I was told I don't need to it is a good idea, even with 4mm left on them. In real terms it is a very small cost for your safety, getting 7 years out of the £60 car tyre instead of 8 years.
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I have access to the caravan but I am not allowed to bring Hometyre to the storage area for security reasons.
So will have to wait until stay at home rule is lifted. Don't like the idea of taking the tyres off myself so will have to be patient .
Thank you for all your comments
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The idea was to remove the wheels, not the tyres.
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... I can almost hear Michael Caine's voice saying this, I can't imagine why ....
On the subject of access and moving the caravan, our local community copper advised me that as long as I wasn't taking it a huge distance, any of his colleagues would be quite content if I explained it was for essential work. I carried my mobile engineer's appointment card, printed out, in case. One patrol car came by in the other direction, & drove past unbothered.
So, service at home this Tuesday coming up. The caravan's also due at a local workshop for some re-sealing work. Police advice also quite happy with that, and the guy at the workshop tells me people have been bringing vans to him all through.
The storage facility wouldn't allow work to take place there, but was quite happy for me to collect.
Maybe ask your local police for their view?1 -
.....not a lot of people know that 😛
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I'm amazed that people are denied access to their caravan while in storage. The total number of people in the storage yard would be minimal .... not everyone would want to visit their caravan at the same time, so the possible contact with AN Other person would be minimal. Local shops will have more people inside & at closer quarters than any storage could have.
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After a long absence from CT, I decided to come and have another browse.
One aspect that concerns me is because of the lockdowns, many caravans may not have been moved for a long time, resulting in the tyres becoming deformed. When the green light is given they might be towed along fast roads, so the risks of punctures, van damage and possible accidents increase.
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As i have said before, I am not a mechanic or mechanically minded but i was told that as tyres now have steel bands inside them that they dont distort
what they do do is perish especially if exposed to UV light for long periods, just changed mine, 6 years old but all cracked inbetween the tread cant have done more than 20k miles. £160 for 2 new tyres fitted at the door, which was ok, but then charged me £12.50 per wheel to refit the Tyron bands, thought that was a rip off.
Checked car tyres today, front nearside is showing signs of cracking between the tread, probably only done 2k miles over last couple of years, they are probably no more than 4 years old.
Kuhmo which in general have a good reputation
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Michelin tyres on a Bailey Barcelona at three and a half years old! And this was a van that was used every month from new - so it wasn't sitting around doing nothing!
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Without wishing to put my foot in it, cracking of that manner to me would suggest running with the van either to heavy or tyres underinflated.
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TPMS fitted as standard on Bailey U3s and I bought the monitor so I can assure you they were never run under-inflated. It's possible that the van was slightly over-weight, as I found out when I took it to the weigh-bridge - but only by a few kgs.
That said, how do you then explain why, of the four tyres, the other 3 were OK - no sign of cracking - and they were all identical in age, according to the date code. Needless to say, all four were changed, the day after I noticed this. Not worth taking any risks.
Plus, I believe that based on this and other forums, I was not the only one to experience early cracking on the sidewall of Michelin tyres.
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There is much to be said for having tyre covers to reduce the UV degradation.
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We took our caravan to ATS on Saturday and had two new tyres fit. I had telephoned them previously to ask if it would be OK to bring a caravan with Tyron bands and they said yes. It was cheaper to pay for the tyres online than over the phone for some reason so ordered them and booked a time slot. We arrived, backed the caravan into a bay using the mover and came back 40 minutes later and it was all done. No extra charge for Tyron bands. Not sure if every branch would be the same, but definately worth an ask if you have one local. We looked at getting a mobile fitter to come and do the tyres on the drive but they wanted an additional £30 on top of the mobile fitting charge because of the Tyron bands. No police stopped us thankfully, but it was only a short distance (10 minutes away), but I had my fingers crossed all the way there and back!
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Agree Cy, that's why I've had these made for the 'new' van - fortunate that it has an awning track around the wheel arches specifically for that purpose. (A bit wrinkled because they were straight out of the package as I got them!)