Tower needed for the Disabled Ramblers charity

JRVC Forum Participant Posts: 3
edited January 2021 in Charities & Good Causes #1

The Disabled Ramblers charity is looking for help with towing its box trailer containing mobility scooters to rambles. It is 1.6 tonne, 5ft wide by 10ft long 

During the summer months (and COVID allowing) we spend one week each month in a different area of England, Wales or the Scottish Borders.

The volunteer tower, on the Sunday (or earlier), collects the trailer from its storage location and then drives to a camp site (or B&B) near the area of the rambles. Early on Monday morning they deliver the trailer to the start of the ramble, unload the scooters and then walk with the group on the ramble.

The trailer also contains an accessible loo (Porta Potti) and we take one with us on the ramble so these need emptying at the end of the day.  This continues on the Tuesday, Thursday and Friday with Wednesday being a free day.

We are looking for a person or couple to help on one or two weeks of the year. We cover expenses.

To find out more, please contact me -


  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,513
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    edited January 2021 #2

    Sorry, I'm unable to help, but it might be useful if you clarify for others whether the volunteer needs to use his/her own towing vehicle, the area of the country from where the trailer is to be collected and, crucially, if 1.6t is the fully loaded weight of the trailer and whether it has actually been weighed loaded. That's important because it will be the driver's responsibility to ensure it is both within the legal towing weights of the car and that the trailer itself is not overloaded.

    Good luck in your quest.👍

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited January 2021 #3

    Good luck with your request JRVC, I presume the email contact can answer all the questions. The photos are great, good to see folk enjoying themselves.

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited January 2021 #4

    email contact can answer all the questions.

    I don't doubt Brue but without having info on locations I doubt many e-mails will be sent, particularly as no dates are given and with present lockdown restrictions in place for the different UK nations.

  • LLM
    LLM Forum Participant Posts: 1,594
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    edited January 2021 #5

    The OP does say "...COVID allowing" so maybe the times, dates, places and any easing of restrictions is at yet unknown.  Perhaps they are just looking for 'expressions of interest'.  No harm in that.

  • JRVC
    JRVC Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited January 2021 #6

    Thanks all for replying to my post.  Some clarifications:

    The tower will need their own vehicle. 
    Trailer is stored at Tewkesbury
    The trailer has been on the weighbridge and is 1.6t loaded.

    Our 2021 rambles are planned for:
    May 10th-14th Malvern Hills
    June 7th-11th Herts & Bucks
    July 5th-9th Dorset
    September 6th-10th Leicestershire
    We have towers for all rambles except Dorset. We are looking for someone to shadow one or more of our rambles in May or June to see how we work.  Our volunteers tend to stay with us for years, so even if we have to cancel our rambles again as we did last year it would be great to have one or more new volunteers in place.

    Below is a more detailed Job & Person Description:

    Tower’s Job Description

    The Disabled Ramblers organises and runs rambles in the countryside for its mobility-limited members who cover the 5 to 8 miles on electric mobility scooters.

    A National Programme of rambles is published each year. During one week of each of the summer months, four rambles are carried on the Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Wednesday is a free day.

    Each set of rambles is focussed on an area of England, Wales or the Scottish Borders. The four rambles are usually located within driving distance of each other. Occasionally there is a need to relocate on the Wednesday.

    Most rambles are in remote locations meaning that narrow, hilly roads are the norm – at least for the final part of the approach. We tend to focus on National Parks, Forestry woodlands and National Trust grounds.  You can see all our rambles on our web: We ramble in all weathers:

    Each ramble has been carefully reconnoitred and Categorised from 1 to 3. Cat 1 are suitable for wheelchairs and boot scooters. Cat 2 are suitable for pavement scooters. Cat 3 require the use of heavy-duty off-road scooters. Most of our rambles are Cat 3. In addition to our members on scooters, we have walkers with us to assist where needed (pushing out of mud) or just chatting to our members.

    As not all of our members have their own scooter suitable for Cat 3 rambles we aim to provide four loan scooters on each National Ramble.  These are called Trampers and were designed specifically to meet our needs:

    We call our trailer the MSU – Mobile Support Unit. This 5ft x 10ft box trailer carries four Trampers. The person(s) towing the trailer to the start of each ramble arrives at 9am and unloads the Trampers ready for use. Once unloaded, the MSU becomes an accessible toilet by the use of a Porta Potti and privacy curtain.

    The MSU also carries a small trailer which is towed behind one of the Trampers during the ramble. It carries a 3x3 metre tent and another Porta Potti for use at our lunch stop.  This has to be set up at the lunch stop (or at any time when there is an urgent need).

    We also have several 2-way radios which are used to communicate between the lead & tail scooters and the Ramble Leader & other helpers.

    Person Specification

    Has a vehicle capable of towing a 1.6 tonne, 5ft x 10ft box Trailer.

    Is licenced and insured to tow.

    Is happy to drive on narrow, hilly lanes.

    Is able to spend the whole week with us

    Is able to walk with us on the ramble of up to 8 miles.

    Is prepared to unload and reload the trailer and set up the toilet stop.

    Is prepared to empty & clean the two Porta Pottis

    Will ensure the Trampers and Radios are fully re-charged overnight.

    Is prepared to collect the trailer from its storage (currently in Tewkesbury,) drive to the rambles and return it to its storage.

    Has some technical ability to fix any small problems that arise (such as punctures).

    The position tends to suit a retired person or couple with motorhome (camping) or car (B&B) who is/are able to spend the week away.


    In return all we offer is to cover mileage (currently at 60 pence per mile whilst towing, 40p/m when not towing) and reasonable accommodation costs - and the grateful thanks of our members. All of our work is done by volunteers, no one is paid.


  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,335
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    edited January 2021 #7

    I can't help with the towing, but what a wonderful opportunity to give back. I do hope you get some volunteers. 

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,513
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    edited January 2021 #8

    That's very explicit and well organised, JRVC. 

    All the best with your recruitment and rambles.


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,918
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    edited January 2021 #9

    Can I suggest that you write to the club asking them to include your request in the club magazine which will be seen by far more people than on this forum. 

    I sincerely hope you get the volunteers you deserve. 

  • JRVC
    JRVC Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited January 2021 #10

    Thanks Wherenext, I'll give that a go.