Caravan insurance and servicing

We have caravan cover with the Club, new for old, valid until late July 2021. This requires us to have the van serviced every 12 months for the "new for old" to be valid.
Our van is always serviced in February, but since the last service in February 2020 it has not moved more than a few metres up and down the drive as we have not been away anywhere since October 2019.
A service will cost us £275 plus fuel for 2 round trips to the dealer, some 100 miles in total, so another £25 at least. The van is now coming up on 13 years old.
If we do not have a service next February, can we assume we will be downgraded to market value should we need to make a claim before our next renewal?
And presumably at next renewal we would no longer be eligible for the "new for old" policy?
People will have differing opinions, and you can assume what you like, there may be an extension due to the current situation or not but really only the club can fully answer your question? No one on here will know for certain.
I would suggest you contact them and get a definitive answer K.
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Agree, Corners.
Get it from the horse's mouth, Kj, preferably in writing.
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Just because the van has not move does not mean it is not in need of a service. In fact it may well have deteriorated more than if it had been used regularly. Logically I can see why CAMC may downgrade the cover if it is not serviced. As Cornersteady says check with CAMC but I would get the work done. Can you not use a local approved engineer?
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I have a similar problem and I must confess, I hadn't thought of the insurance implications. Our van is due for service at the end of this month and to maintain the 10 year bodywork warranty, must be carried out within two months of the end of the year in which it was bought. Clearly, it can't be taken to the dealers this month and it's looking increasingly likely that I'm going to struggle to hit the end-of-February deadline.
Despite repeated emails to and conversations with the dealer, they have been unable to get any meaningful response from Knaus with regard to extending the service interval in the present circumstances.
Needless to say, I will be on the phone to both this Club and the dealer (again) this morning to try and get this resolved.
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I've just been through our policy document with CAMC and it merely states that for a van under 5 years old "you must maintain your caravan in a sound and roadworthy condition". However, if more than 5 years old and less than 15, and insured with "Super Cover", it must be serviced on an annual basis to maintain the 'new for old' cover. So it looks as if that part of my dilemma is resolved.
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Confirmed, just now after a phone call to the Club. Kj might be reassured that they seem to be taking a common sense approach to the problem he has raised, given the present circumstances.