Check your fire alarms and equipment

2 Go Caravanning
2 Go Caravanning Forum Participant Posts: 1
edited September 2020 in Your stories #1

Our very cherished 2010 Autosleeper Kensington became a life line to us during the summer of the pandemic. We used our 'little palace' to take my 85 year old Dad out for day trips to nearby CL sites: we were safe, self contained and having great fun. Dad would help my husband to set up and then complete his task of filling up with water, whilst I quickly started on the bacon butties! Once the tummies were full (increasing numbers of rashers were requested as the weeks went by...) it was off for a walk. Thank goodness for the wonderful CL owners who were so welcoming despite our strange arrangement of not staying the night! We would return from our wanders to play a game of boule, consume yet more food, have a quick game of cribbage and then home It was lovely to see Dad getting fit and being out and about in a safe environment. Things had been difficult for him getting used to living alone after Mum passed away in 2019. They had been married for 59 years. The outbreak of Covid19 and imposed restricted socialising was beginning to take its toll.

However, our happy days came to an abrupt and devastating end when our 'little palace' caught fire outside Dad's house in the early hours of the August Bank Holiday Sunday. The wonderful fire brigade quickly got it under control and any potential explosions were averted. Thankfully, we were not in the van at the time and nobody was injured. Arson was ruled out by the fire fighters, but as the gas was turned off and the master switch was also off, the cause remains a mystery. Was it an electrical fault or an unexplained freak event - we will never know.

Our beloved, rare Autosleeper Kensington is no more and it is proving impossible to find a quality, replacement one. If anyone reading this has one to sell you would make our day..  



  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,335
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited October 2020 #2

    I'm so sorry to read this and feel for you and your dad.

    We had to dispose of our motorhome last year as it needed work too great for us to contemplate on top of health serious health issues of OH. I so wish that hadn't been necessary and that was before this current situation arose. Like you I feel it would have been safe for days out or a few overnights. But it wasnt to be! Doesn't mean I'm not going to look for something when I get the chance, not easy in Essex as dealers as sparse to say the least! 

    It's good to know CL owners are obliging, not that I expected otherwise.

    Must sincere condolences on the loss of your mum, it's still very early days and very strange times. I hope the insurance money comes through quickly and you can find some sort of alternative.