Great service from Purpleline

Whittakerr Club Member Posts: 3,486
1000 Comments Photogenic
edited September 2020 in Parts & Accessories #1

I had a Purpleline Enduro mover fitted to my caravan when bought from new 10 years ago and I have not had any trouble with it until the last trip out when one button on the remote didn’t work. Not a great hindrance as I could still manoeuvre the caravan with the other five buttons.

When I returned home a gave Purpleline a call to see if they could advise how I could narrow the fault down to either the hand set or the control box. The service department gave me some advice on what the most likely fault was (corrosion on the defective button) along with how to repair it.

I went to the caravan this morning and following their instructions everything was working again within 10 minutes.

Many thanks to Purpleline, (they could have tried to sell me a replacement remote control unit for £99.00).