Smartwater theft deterrent

When I purchased my first ever brand new caravan 5 years ago, I researched, like so many, the best types of security for my pride and joy. Some anti-theft accessories were necessary for insurance purposes (hitchlock & wheel-lock) I also took it upon myself to seek the advice of the local constabulary after reading in the town newspaper about 'freebies' they were handing out to cyclists in an effort to curb thefts.
Within a week, a local bobby popped round to my house to advise me on the best deterants for my caravan. I was a little disappointed when he told me a few home truths about my security locks. However, he did recommend the use of Smartwater, which could also be applied to other valuables in the property (watches, cameras, lap-tops, vehicles etc) and I ordered it online. My 5 year registration has just come to an end. It has cost me £125 for 5 years registration, including the product and warning stickers (lesser amounts are available) I've also saved £80 on my insurance premiums. Thought I'd mention it on here to any fellow members looking for an effective deterant which can also save you money.