2020 AGM

What will be the arrangements for this year's AGM? Are numbers going to be restricted or will other methods of communicating with members be employed.
Would the Club want to make it too easy for members to comment on how things have been handled during COVID? I always find it disappointing how little member feedback there is at normal AGM's. I have often thought about attending but usually they have been some way away to attend just for an hour's meeting.
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Hi everyone,
For more information and updates please visit here: Club AGM
I hope this helps and thank you for supporting our AGM.
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Many companies have had a mind to retain that old face to face physical meeting. Historical etiquette and practices throughout our lives are now being challenged and the virtual world is coming to the fore, much of this accelerated as a direct result of CV19.
The new World, the new norm?
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Several of those we meet on our morning walks : and have and still are working from home seem to be quite happy with the technologies that enable them to continue,
The one thing they do say is they all miss the face to face work environment ,and decitions; good but mostly bad .are being made as the body language is missing
Ps as for the clubs agm and the email we have received ,OHs son is hoping to come over to explain and show us how to do what is being asked to be involved