Al-Ko axle wheels locks on a Buccaneer..?

newtocaravaning19 Forum Participant Posts: 5
edited July 2020 in Caravans #1


I've just bought a 2020 Buccaneer (Aruba) and it comes with the twin Al-Ko Axle wheel locks. 

Does anyone have any advice on fitting them to this van? I had them on my old single axle and it was dead easy, just line it up nicely and the lock goes on easy. 

The worry I've got with the buccaneer is that I'm using the hydraulic jack to left the side of the van, raise it up and turn the wheels into position by hand, then you've only got two options,

Option 1. Fit the wheel locks while the van is lifted, they go on easy BUT, (and this is what really worries me), having only done this once I was petrified when I lowered the jack back down as the Al-ko wheel locks appear to move ever so slightly and I'm worried it will either damage the lock, or worse, damage the axle. 

Option 2. Once the wheels are in position try to lower the jack back down, however having tried this several times, the wheels move slightly on lowering and you're back to square one so the lock entrance doesn't line up!

Anyone got any tips on whats worked for you, anything would be appreciated! Am i worrying too much in scenario 1 above?



  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,679
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    edited July 2020 #2

    I don't have a twin but you might find this Lock and level product useful?


  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited July 2020 #3

    I use your option 1 .... 😉

  • lornalou1
    lornalou1 Forum Participant Posts: 2,169
    edited July 2020 #4

     Why would he go and spend £200 on a level system when he already has a full hydraulic level system fitted to van. Option 1 for me. 

    This youtube vid might help.

  • Whittakerr
    Whittakerr Club Member Posts: 3,486
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    edited July 2020 #5

    Are you sure. I read it as he is using a standard hydraulic jack.

    BTW my caravan is only single axle and i use a Lock n level for side to side leveling. 
    Its a great bit of kit.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,679
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    edited July 2020 #6

    Lornalou: as above, is it part of the fittings? I don't know?

    Even if so, then why be worried about lowering the jack back down?

    ...having only done this once I was petrified when I lowered the jack back down as the Al-ko wheel locks appear to move ever so slightly and I'm worried it will either damage the lock, or worse, damage the axle.

    What is the OP lowering the caravan back down to? It must be the ground or something with some resistance as to give the idea of doing some damage? If the wheels are off the ground why be worried?

    when I lowered the jack back down as the Al-ko wheel locks appear to move ever so slightly

  • stephen p
    stephen p Forum Participant Posts: 194
    edited July 2020 #7

    Option 1.

    When the wheels are lifted clear of the ground by the hydraulic levelling system, the suspension trailing arms swing down and dangle under the van with the wheels. When lowered back to the ground the wheels rotate slightly as the arms swing up to take the load.

    Once wheel locks are fitted they act as a very good handbrake and as the (left) wheels can't rotate the suspension arms push the left side of the caravan forward slightly as they swing up to take the load once more. 

    I have always found it a bit annoying that the caravan moves out of line when you lower it but if you lift both sides off of the ground and put the handbrake on before you let it down again the caravan will move forwards slightly but will remain straight.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,828
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    edited July 2020 #8

    I have used Lock 'n Level for over 5 years - but have recently had E&P hydraulic self levelling fitted.

    I know exactly what the OP is referring to as I have come across this very problem with our current Knaus (but not so much with the previous Barcelona). The problem is that, on the Knaus, they have five spoke wheels and as a consequence the Alko lozenges are large and there is very little 'play' between the spokes for the lozenges. The wheels do move slightly, due to the swinging arm when the van settles down and therefore the bolts on the lock are very tight when you come to remove them and I have worried that there is a danger of stripping the threads on the Alko receivers.

    If L 'n L is being used, the only way to overcome this is to re-inflate the air bag so as to take the pressure of each wheel in turn to remove the locks, but this is a bit of a pain and most times I haven't bothered - but the threads on the bolt are very tight and there must be a danger of causing damage to the threads.

    However - with E&P - which I thought was fitted as standard on all Buccaneers - simply raise the nearside of the van using the manual override button to lift both wheels clear of the ground - allowing them to revert back to their original position and the bolts can be removed easily, usually without the need for the wrench.

    I am wondering how the OP is managing to get to the jacking points with a hydraulic jack since, with ours, with AWD motor movers fitted, it is impossible to get anywhere near the jacking points with the hydraulic jack that was supplied as standard with the Knaus.


  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 904
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    edited July 2020 #9

    We use your Option 1 and it’s never been a problem.  Make sure the bolt on the lock is properly tight initially and then the lozenge will not move relative to the wheel.  That means it will be no problem removing it later (with similar untightening torque).  The wheels do move slightly when the caravan is lowered again but it’s just the suspension taking up the ‘slack’ and not the caravan actually moving as such.  We use an Alko side lift jack and put chocks under the opposite side wheels.  When the caravan is lowered with the locks on, the caravan was clear of the chocks due to the movement described by others!  The main thing to watch for is any dirt in the bolt threads, which can really prevent assembly and potentially means re-tapping the thread.

  • newtocaravaning19
    newtocaravaning19 Forum Participant Posts: 5
    edited July 2020 #10

    thanks for this reply (And all the other ones) 


    You're right the Buccaneer comes as standard with the leveling system so the van is jacked up by that on one side. 


    from reading yours and others responses on this i think i must just be overly worrying about it. I'm new to caravaning and when you've spent £35k on the van its just a bit unnerving the first time you see the (very slight) movement of the wheels when you lower the jack whilst the wheel locks are in place - i had visions of it snapping my axle!

    thanks for yours and all the other replies - really helpful!


  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,828
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    edited July 2020 #11

    The only pressure is going to be on the Alko lock bolts - but they are so thick that there really isn't going to be a problem of them shearing.  However, as I said above, the threads are under pressure when releasing them, hence the danger of stripping the threads, over time.  Raising the van using E&P, to release the wheels is a simple and quick procedure and avoids any future problems. Enjoy your new van - and don't worry too much!smile

  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited July 2020 #12

    you'd do very well to strip a M20 thread .... 😉

  • obbernockle
    obbernockle Forum Participant Posts: 616
    edited July 2020 #13

    These lock n level air bags look good. I imagine they would lift the caravan by one wheel so you could rotate tother and put the lock on.


  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited July 2020 #14
