Clueless caravanner

So here I am venturing into the world of caravanning with my fab dog, Dottie! The picture is us on our continental road trip in 2017....
I owned a campervan previously but found the unit lacked the basic comforts in life (mainly toilet!) so I sold that to another loving owner last year and climbed Kilimanjaro with the proceeds. I missed my camper but found the single vehicle an issue plus the lack of facilities as above...
I have never owned a caravan or towed a caravan before (I have towed trailers)... I am really looking forward to getting out into the great British countryside in my new Ruby... any tips or helpful recommends will be most appreciated - the only question I currently have is, are wooden blocks still helpful under legs?
Look forward to connecting with caravanners and thanks for reading this message
Sheralyn and Dottie