Has Covid-19 Put a Nail in the Coffin of Centres?



  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,061
    5,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited July 2020 #32

    Surely the issue is that  on a campsite the Club can control what happens because they have a warden team. Additionally it is quite likely the majority of people on a campsite don't know each other and from my experience you would be lucky to get a Good Morning out of most of them  A Rally is different as the majority are likely to know each other and it is very easy for social distancing to become more relaxed and the Club has no control over that. Heaven forbid but if that resulted in a spike of infections it is likely the Club would have to close down quite a lot, if not all of its operation because it would be seen as not being able to control things in their name. I appreciate that is hard on all those that like rallying but I suspect the Club do not want to put themselves in that position.


  • AlanPort
    AlanPort Forum Participant Posts: 53
    edited July 2020 #33

    The inference in some of the previous comments is that Centre members who run rallies will be unable to monitor and control social distancing regulations, whereas site wardens will.  Those of us running rallies will not need to monitor toilet block and regularly clean showers as rallies use their own onboard facilities.  It will therefore be easier to monitor what is going on around the rally field.

    When we have stayed on Club sites in the recent past, it has been noticeable that, despite speed limits being in place on all sites and signs being posted around the site, many caravan and motor home drivers seem to totally ignore these speed restrictions.  The wardens try their best, but I think that most would admit to not being able to enforce these restrictions and often meet with abuse from those who are confronted.  When we run rallies, most members know us and know that they will be reprimanded if they break the rules and invariably comply as they know us.

    We have a few Club sites booked during the summer and autumn in the absence of available rallies and will be watching closely to see how Covid restrictions are enforced.  I know that the wardens will be doing their best but suspect that the speeding drivers will also consider that the Covid rules do not apply to them.  Time will tell.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited July 2020 #34

    I think I would trust people to abide by the guidelines on a rally. The spacing is carefully mapped out. Not all are in social groups but people are friendly (my experience anyway.) Fingers crossed things improve with time. smile

  • bill
    bill Club Member Posts: 391
    Name Dropper
    edited July 2020 #35

    While the exemption certificate has been revoked until the end of July stopping rallies any that were planned to run on a commercial site are also being cancelled under it being illegal to organise a mass gathering of over 30 people which a rally is considered to be.  I am running a seaside 3 week holiday rally mid August and just keeping my fingers crossed.  Also it was sadly reported on my local radio this morning that many people from Leicester holiday in this area.

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited July 2020 #36

    The inference in some of the previous comments is that Centre members who run rallies will be unable to monitor and control social distancing regulations, whereas site wardens will.  Those of us running rallies will not need to monitor toilet block and regularly clean showers as rallies use their own onboard facilities.  It will therefore be easier to monitor what is going on around the rally field.

    I suspect an inference that was not intended to be taken as such. 

  • grin factor
    grin factor Forum Participant Posts: 20
    edited July 2020 #37

    Anti social distancing will be reduced to 1 meter at the weekend. Even the WHO stated that 1 meter was sufficient weeks ago. The government has issued “Guidelines” these are Not as people believe Law! What ever happened to personal responsibility? This government are turning into a dictatorship. If you look on NHS England’s website, you can find the true death figures From Covid19, 1350 last time I looked, the other numbers have been manipulated by our “leaders”

    Youve probably guess I don’t believe the MSM, Boris, Matt & Co, and it frustrates the life out of me to see people swallowing the drivel dished out. 

    We all have brains to think for ourselves, many may disagree with my comments, but do a bit research, you never know what you will find.


  • bill
    bill Club Member Posts: 391
    Name Dropper
    edited July 2020 #38

    I understand that the no gatherings of more than 30 people is a law and not a guideline.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited July 2020 #39

    And the two metre rule is still in place, only reduced in "mitigating" circumstances where it's not possible to maintain the distance.

    TARTANTRAVELLER Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited July 2020 #40

    Most of our rally marshals said that they do not want to be responsible for having to enforce covid restriction rules because, as in a previous reply,  we generally all know each other and there's a risk that some of the cliques will have their own interpretation of the rules when they've had a few drinks. 

    I'm also going to a club site this month and I'm wondering how the wardens will be treated by any non conformists.   I hold the greatest regards for the club's wardens and having witnessed some of the abuse they get I can only praise their level of self restraint.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited July 2020 #41

    And that is the same with many posts on here (interpretation)wink

    We rallied for a while but as you post about Cliques ,at times it was as if there were rallies within rallies ,but as some of us went on rallies to enjoy a new place ,the Cliques ,went because it was the "done thing"undecided

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited July 2020 #42

    Much like there are groups who meet on club sites JVB?!

    I think comments about how people rally are irrelevant and the main object is to find a way back in these changed circumstances.

  • KevBailey
    KevBailey Forum Participant Posts: 17
    edited July 2020 #43

    Has Covid-19 Put a Nail in the Coffin of Centres?

    Simple answer is I hope not.

    There is a lot of discussion around social distancing but a Centre rally is an organized social gathering and the UK government rules are no more than 30 are allowed to attend social gatherings.

    Until this rule changes I think rallying will remain suspended unless you reduce numbers of vans and people, which would be interesting to see how this would be managed to make it impartial

    I'm convinced there is nobody in HQ that thinks Centre committees / Marshals are unable to organize their events in a controlled way.

    I am concerned with the future of winter rallying. Even before COVID, schools were increasing costs and the distancing regulations reduced numbers attending which is never a good combination.

    I read with interest the document that was sent out regarding making rallying COVID secure. The first point was prior to the rally consider the reaction of the local community in your rally risk assessment.

    How do you assess the use of schools which are the main venues for winter rallies. Can you imagine the local response if a member of staff / student contracted COVID after a Centre had used the facility......but who is best to  make this assessment?

    KEEP CALM - We will all get back to rallying in the future in whatever form it takes .........… but at least there are options with sites and CLs

    Stay safe everyone and keep washing your hands as the virus hasn't gone away which probably should be more of a concern.


  • AlanPort
    AlanPort Forum Participant Posts: 53
    edited July 2020 #44

    Hi Kevin

    First of all, I’m pleased you share my anticipation for rallies in the future.

    With regards the guidance for Centre rallies: 

    ‘‘I read with interest the document that was sent out regarding making rallying COVID secure. The first point was prior to the rally consider the reaction of the local community in your rally risk assessment.’

    Surely the reaction of the local community is relevant however people arrive in caravans or motorhomes?  For the average non-caravanner, I have no doubt that the same concern could be expressed regarding tourers arriving at a CAMC site.  For that matter, any additional tourists from other parts of the country could equally be considered as a problem during the easing of current restrictions.  In all the above financial considerations are considered far more than the concerns of the local community.

    I accept that in some areas of the country, schools are used for a lot of winter rallies and these would need to be risk assessed or likely even cancelled.  However, quite a few Centres rarely use school sites and in holiday areas often use commercial sites which are normally far less busy out of the main season.

    I do think that the Executive, many of whom have been actively involved in rallying in their earlier days, must accept that one rule does not fit all and allow Centre Committees the opportunity to act responsibly when deciding the suitability of locations for arranging rallies in what will now be the new normal.

    Interestingly, I read an article the other day which quoted a Downing Street advisor who said that the 30 person maximum group rule had bee bought into law in order to give the police powers to break up illegal events such as ‘raves’,  This presumably also applies to protest marches etc.  Hardly the same as the average rally which I normally attend,
