Foreign phrases

Club Member Posts: 10,224
Hors de combat - hookers squabbling over territory
Come on you lot. Can't you get your creative juices flowing. Perhaps some episodes of "Fools and Horses" to inspire you.
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Tout de suite - DFS delivery van announcing arrival.
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cul-de-sac - disposal of surplus supermarket delivery bags
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Pomme de terre - A Brit rushing round Sydney
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Nom de plume - abuse at bonfires
Have Papgeno and I got to do it all ourselves?
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Perhaps I should have posted it in "Overseas"
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ad nauseam - sick of TV commercials
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Entente Cordiale - soft drinks under canvas
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Status Quo - supergroup
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Quid pro quo - paying to see them
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Pro bono - likes U2
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annus mirabilis - trying to inspect your haemorrhoids with a mirror