SORN Leisure vehicles

layton1837 Club Member Posts: 110
edited April 2020 in Towcars & Towing #1

All those people rushing to Sorn their leisure vehicle Think again.

In this difficult time the Government is trying to look after everybody. So do your bit to help. Do you need to Sorn the vehicle are you that destitute that you need the money .Most are Motorhome owners but not all with vehicles in the range of £70k to 100K. so unless you have lost your job and need the money don’t do it. For my part I tow a caravan but my towing vehicle has a tax band 0f £550 per year and no I have not SORN it. It has been on the drive for the past 6 weeks. As we also have a smaller car.

Moderator Edit:

As we already have a thread discussing 'SORNing' of vehicles, I'm locking this one to avoid duplication and inviting you to post in the existing thread in the Caravan and Motorhome Chat Section.

|Many Thanks.