Corona Virus Concerns
Did my ears deceive me in that clip from Dominic Raab above - "you can drive as far as you like to go for exercise" as long as you don't, for instance drive from England into Wales etc?
I'm going to listen again, but I'm pretty sure that's exactly what he said.
So that's made that clear then!
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That is how I read it, no limit within England on travel for exercise. I think there will be a different official interpretation of that very soon. Locally should have been added into it I think, or at least within a district boundary or at most, your county.
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Heaven help us. Sorry but I think the Government of England have just unleashed havoc.
And why are French citizens immune from the disease, as are we if we visit France? Bonkers.
We will be carrying on as we have. Keeping an eye on the case numbers in our area, keeping interaction with others to an absolute minimum, doing as little shopping (other than online) as we need, exercising as isolated as we can, maintaining our physical and mental health doing useful things, some enjoyable things, keeping up contact with loved ones at either a distance greater than 2metres, or via social media, to keep them safe. We won’t be venturing outside our immediate location, for anything other than emergencies.
I don’t think I need telling how to keep safe and keep others safe. But I wouldn’t mind a larger Police force and a Government with b*lls.
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'And why are French citizens immune from the disease, as are we if we visit France? Bonkers'
Because most of the hierarchy of this country have second homes in France or own large properties there, how inconsiderate for them to be in quarantine for 14 days every-time they pop across the channel.
I suppose it makes life easier for those that travel to French campsites when thy start excepting campers again.
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ET Posted on 11/05/2020 10:59
Clarification here this morning:
Thanks ET. Not good news. He seemed to say that it would be OK for all of us in North Notts to descend on the Peak District. If it is like round here the visitor centre car parks are closed. I foresee some chaotic times.☹️
Although on the plus side I should be able to drive my MH round in circles, going nowhere, without censure.
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"And why are French citizens immune from the disease, as are we if we visit France? Bonkers."
And why can you come in by ferry or from a cruise having visited who knows where and not be quarantined but if you fly in from a relatively safe country, say Germany, you must? It seems totally nonsensical to me unless SAGE have given this advice and, if so, might we be entitled to know what that advice is? As the hours have gone by, the confusion has simply grown - it will be interesting to see how Boris copes under scrutiny and questioning from Parliament and the public later today!
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Keeping an eye on case numbers in your area, is not a true picture as in our sers there have been no recorded cases ,but looking at our county it is high ,reason being we do not have a major hospital ,which is where the figures come from?both our major hospitals are near the North and south bounderys and as we also border London on our southern boundary the figures do not seem to be accurate
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I think the quarantine applies to other forms of transport as well, other than France, but who knows given all the misinformation out there now. I hope Kier Starmer rips them apart today. But I also hope Kier Starmer suggests some decent alternatives that offer greater clarity.
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I use the only local figures I can find, via Government statistics. I don’t fully trust them, but they are not going down on a daily basis in our local authority, not a huge increase, and no data about deaths but while ever cases are still climbing, my common sense is telling me what I need to do to keep me and my loved ones safe. It helps that my best friend is an ex Director of Nursing for the big hospitals in Sheffield, still has good reliable contacts, and is well placed and intelligent enough to give an honest appreciation of how bad things still are, and the likely risks. I trust her more than I trust anyone else at the moment.
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If anybody wants to see ambiguity:
The first minister (for wales, Mr Drakeford) had said he favoured a "four-nation approach," saying taking different geographic responses would be "fraught with difficulties".
But Mr Drakeford (The First Minister for Wales) said he would do things differently if medical advice was to do so and it was right for Wales.
So First Minister wants a "four-nation approach" but is prepared for Wales to differ but seems to have some criticism because England has a different approach. Devolution seems to make it likely that there will, at various points in time, be different actions from each of the four UK nations.
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To me, it's the act that clarification is needed that is a cause for concern.
If the 50 page document had been published and Boris spoke to Parliament first, rather than relying on what he saw as a big TV moment and a series of tweets we might not have all this confusion.
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The government was asked to outline its future actions ..... it did give indications of what may happen. The PM did state 'And today a general consensus on what we could do. And I stress could.'
I am content to wait, in the hope that, after due consideration more flesh will be added to the skeleton. Far rather that than detail guidance be provided for future events that are not fully developed and hence might change. Further guidance has been given on Sundays broadcast's more immediate plans by Raab this morning but as the changes are from Wednesday doubtless more guidance will be given. I would expect that any employer considering that he might have staff return would be presently considering how they could ensure a safe work environment based on social distancing ahead of further detail
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I think many people can be confused when they want to be if they want to cause mischief.
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I think you have to be prepared to look below the surface a bit. Putting the tabloids to one side who tend sensationalise what they print. I suspect if you compared reports on the same subject in the Telegraph and the Guardian (both deemed to be on opposite side of the political divide) you might find a large measure similarity in the way that it was reported and probably in some depth. Where you would probably see the difference is in the comment columns where there would be a more marked difference. I see from Brue's post she seems to be doing her own research on the differences
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No ambiguity here, the First Minister's lunch time daily update was clear, concise and to the point. Nothing here in Wales has changed except for the minor changes announced on Friday. Stay at home, unlimited exercise near to home is allowed, however travel to exercise is not. This applies, without exception, also to those who mistakenly think they can travel from England to Wales to walk in our National Parks, which incidentally are closed at this time. You will be stopped, questioned and turned back, failure to comply will result in fines, or as reported in North Wales this weekend, vehicles seized. As far as return to work is concerned, this is possible providing 2m distance is carried out. This is law in Wales and has been for the last two weeks. The factory displaying this on the BBC 1.00 o'clock news is actually in Newtown, Powys. As far as Wales is concerned, Welsh law and Welsh Covid 19 rules apply, and I for one am very pleased for this.
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For anyone wanting to read the latest Government document on COVID-19 it can be downloaded here:-
COVID 19 - Document 11th May 2020
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From the clarification that I heard from Raab this morning on BBC with regard to the changes effective from Wednesday I could, for example, drive from Chester or anywhere else in England to Dunstable Downs, Lake District etc to tale exercise and enjoy the scenery provided I social distance. The PM had said further detail this afternoon/evening as Sunday was more of an outline of changes with none coming into effect before wednesday and possibilities for June etc.
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Nothing here in Wales has changed except for the minor changes announced on Friday.
So some things have changed then. Now that is confusing.
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Exactly - one can drive anywhere, within England, any distance to an outside space - so Cornwall here we come! (No, not really, TW!
As my friend said this morning, the police are virtually powerless to stop folk driving now, unless they suspect a crime has been committed. Personally, I don't think that's sensible but many will no doubt take advantage.
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As my friend said this morning, the police are virtually powerless to stop folk driving now, unless they suspect a crime has been committed.
Why should they not be powerless (in England only) to stop folk driving as it is now permitted and so a power that they no longer need or should have as it does not align with the restrictions from Wednesday.