We are in Moreton-in-Marsh club site been here since Tuesday and I am appalled at the damage being done to the grass by the so called professional tourers both caravan and motor home drivers. It’s extremely wet here due to the weather but the majority don’t seem to take this into account they just drive or reverse across the grass as if it’s middle of summer with no thought for the damage they do. Caravaner’s just unhitch and push the van in most have motor mover’s and motor homes just need to pick a pitch they an get onto its not rocket science. If it was me I would ban any one from the club for life if they damage the grass. Also toilet block door every time I go over the door has been left open. Come on club members we are not children CLOSE the door it’s easy. It costs you’d club a fortune to heat the toilet blocky so please do your bit.
But then as has been overheard on club sites ,"it is not our fault if we damage pitches they should be able to cope with wet conditions" !!!
Last time we stayed on a site with coded locks a "member?" advised me to leave door open as it was a stupid system
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It's a very sad state of affairs
I have no axe to grind but do the club allow sufficient moving in the roads compared to the size of some outfits?? We've not visited in a few years but I do remember Moreton in Marsh site roads being tight even to reverse our motorhome onto a pitch in certain areas.
As for leaving facilty entrance doors open it seems silly and wasteful if the heating is on.
I'm sorry I dont know what the answer is. I think we as humans need to be considerate and respectful some are some aren't
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Billiejo, although I don’t excuse poor driving, carelessness or disregard for others and the surroundings, I have to firstly say that these are not "professional tourers" and not even "so called". Professionals are paid, the rest of us are amateurs.
Secondly, "push the caravan" - you assume people are physically capable but many are not.
Thirdly, have you allowed for the pathetically poor turning circle of many MHs? Very often site roads are not wide enough to allow access to pitches without putting a wheel on the grass.
My final point - is the facility block door fitted with an automatic closer? If so, it must be faulty. If not, it seems one would be a good idea. In either case, a word in the warden's ear to alert him/her to the issue could be beneficial.
Please don’t condemn others out of hand in such strident tones without being in full possession of the facts of the prevailing circumstances. Perhaps a little understanding and compassion for others wouldn’t be out of place while lending a helping hand might be a practical solution in some cases.👍🏻
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Caravaner’s just unhitch and push the van in most have motor mover’s
I'm not sure what you mean/want here billiejo?
Do you want caravans to use their 'push' or their movers?
If you mean I should push rather than use the mover that's a no from me.
I'm also not sure what you mean by professionals? Are you saying a 'amateur' is allowed to go on the grass?
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I suppose if you are unwise enough to go Caravanning in the middle of storm Jorge you are going to be open to criticism for something or other.
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That is quite a statement
Untill a couple of years ago I would not have an MM but since my doctor "advised" after 50yrs it was time for me to get one ,which OH was glad of and treated me to,
which since my later diagnosed heart problems, has helped in places with tight pitching areas , as I usually can reverse the c/van onto a pitch
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If struggling to keep off the grass or just having difficulties manoeuvring, just ask for help. We caravaners, motorised or otherwise, are renowned for our friendly, helpful, caring, considerate approach to our fellow members, young or old, in difficulties, aren't we?😉
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Pitches at M-in-M are, on the whole, ridiculously small such that the tow car has to go across the front of the pitch. I can reverse my caravan (mostly 🙄) and there is generally not the room to reverse onto the pitch without putting a wheel on the grass or pitch opposite.
CLs often have a lot more room ..... 😁
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And Moreton in Marsh would not fit that category. Many of the pitches are quite narrow which does not aid reversing even by the most proficient. Why this site has not had a major upgrade I have no idea.
As to toilet doors I thought all club site toilet blocks were fitted with automatic closures? Perhaps there was an issue that should have been reported to the warden?
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Disgusting state of affairs, close it down immediately I say.........😂
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When we have visited M in M (twice) we have used the motor mover. The second time it would have been very difficult to get on the pitch without. Not so much grass as a wire fence in a ridiculous position. Not been with our MH, however I am fairly certain quite a few pitches would be difficult to access (without catching the grass). Often the easy access pitch you might want, has already been taken. The site needs a redesign to bring it into the 21st Century. If we still had a caravan, I doubt we would consider using it again, unless it had a revamp. However, with a MH it is just too well positioned a site.
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Refn. M in M discussions don't think the size of the pitches and the mud comes into it.Just think of the amount of rain we've had and its all down to common sense or plain stupidity.
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Maybe that's the way the "club's" going? Ensuring that the sites are more suitable for M/Hs and so get rid of those "pesky" caravans. Hence the change in name!
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Err, not all by any means. Are you familiar with the turning circle of MHs, for instance? I’m not sure the amount of rain has any bearing on people's ability to pitch neatly.
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So only the young / fit / physically strong should go caravanning?
It helps. One of the reasons I moved to a motorhome. Had there been motormovers available at the time I might still own a caravan. There were such things as powered jockey wheels but they were not much good.
I cannot remember ever having a problem at MinM with either a caravan or motorhome but do agree some of the pitches are rather small.
I have seen a worse instance than reported by the OP, a motorhome drove across a recently re-seeded area of a Club site. The warden went bananas. I have also seen toilet lobby doors deliberately wedged open by punters.
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The caravan club is just a reflection of the percentage of the public in general here in the UK.
You see stupid , selfish people every day doing something with no consideration or regard for others in our society, why would you think club members would be any different.
Over the years as members we all suffer the consequences of other people that have a lesser standard of what is required / exceptable to others, we cope with it outside the club be prepared to experience it within.
We tend to use cl's & cs's more than ever with less people on site usually means a more relaxed atmosphere & we use the facilities in our own caravan.
Gone are the days of flushing someone else's solids down the toilet, because someone can't be bothered to pull a lever.