Membership fees increase

there is notification on page 13 of the Dec magazine advising that membership fees will increase to £54, just thought i would mention it in case anybody missed it
Yes but worth every penny 👍🏻😊
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Me! Fancy that😱.
Never mind, I can cope. 👍🏻
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a +1 would be superfluous then
Either way my membership fee has cost me nothing over 20 years, and in fact the club pays me to be a member
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Maybe only £2 but that is just one thing. There is then Vehicle tax, car insurance, caravan insurance or cover. They all increase in price every year. Not all of us are pensioners with our triple lock or whatever they call it increase. Some people don’t get a pay increase so it hits them. We are not all rich pensioners.
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That’s life, I’m afraid. There are things we find affordable and things we opt out of because we can’t afford them. We all make our choices in all walks of life.
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But that’s not ALL pensioners, only a minority.
Not all pensioners have LVs and, of those who have, not all are loaded.
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Been to hospital today , me and the wife ( me 65 wife 63 ) all gents for further work on us ,I thought i was at a fashion show !! We were all about the same age dressed nicely ,,women in high heels ? Me and wife jeans and waterproof coats .My pension wouldnt cover the cost of some of these clothes
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I have not seen many pensioners with old outfits. Anyway we digress the point I was making is that it is not easy for some to keep up with all the increases, CMC membership being one. I will admit that I can absorb it no problem, but think of those who can’t.
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Most of the "better off" pensioners have worked for local government or public services and enjoyed retirement at 65 or earlier paid for by people who have had to work into their 70,s and then had to live on a basic state pension!!!!
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Maybe they have taken equity release or similar.(there are no pockets in shrouds !)
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Perhaps those " better off" pensioners were just more frugal when they were earning, rather than profligate, and put money aside so that they could enjoy their retirement in comfort, without being over worrier about their income in later life.
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I wouldn’t call myself “frugal”, having three kids coupled with high interest rates made it difficult, but I certainly had one eye on the future. I count myself lucky that I was in a final salary scheme, which, when I left, I was paying 12% of my pay into. For me, the ‘club’ represents good value for money. This year alone they have saved me plenty of £’s, having booked my ferry crossings for next year. Then there’s the access to all those wonderful CL’s. What’s not to like?
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that doesn't make sense, having gas for heating is (IMHO) a necessity, joining the club isn't.
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again you might consider some of those necessary for living while having a caravan, staying on a club, or joining the club isn't, or perhaps it is?
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I think the point ‘the sweetyman’ was trying to make was that ‘we’ as taxpayers contribute to their wonderful pensions. No doubt, some workers in the public sector have done rather well, but that’s overlooking those like my wife who won’t do well at all. She has worked for maybe 20 years for South Glos council, on not much more than the minimum wage, and will receive what I would say is a pittance. Thank goodness my pension will keep on paying after I’m gone.
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Since privatisation of former Government owned businesses back in the 1980s, the employees of those companies have been paying for their own pensions rather than the taxpayer funding them. I think I’m right in saying that the Civil Service pensions are still Govt funded but not those of the utility companies, rail companies, Post Office and so on.