Old guy brand new to camping in motorhomer - help

ColinAndPaul Forum Participant Posts: 4

Hello Guys

Ive bought an old motorhome, a Fiat Ducati Swift Royale 1993..and had a lot of work done.

The problem is im lost with it..I hear of treating water in tank, drain for winter or don't, where are these "Tanks" and how do I empty, clean and otherwise look after them. Where does the sink and shower drain to? How do I check and empty it?

Is there anyone lives near me in Morley or surrounds that I could visit and get some education please? I know its cheeky, but hey God loves a tryer! LOL

Thanks my friends  Colin


  • ColinAndPaul
    ColinAndPaul Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited August 2019 #2

    By the way, Morley is in West Yorkshire!

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,546
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    edited August 2019 #3

    Which model is it? 

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited August 2019 #4

    Try a google search.  I came across a couple of u tube clips but can’t play them so no idea what they contain

  • Aspenshaw
    Aspenshaw Forum Participant Posts: 611
    edited August 2019 #5

    Colin, if you don't have a manual, you can get one from:


    I think the earliest they do is 2000 but it will have some useful basic information such as how the water system works.

    If you can't find anyone to help you, then you could buy this book:


    It was the 'go to' book by an eminent author when I started. Sign up to at least one forum - Motorhome Fun is the biggest; I think you have to pay a subscription. Motorhome Matters is free and is linked to the magazine MMM and comes under the "Out & AboutLive' banner. Both these web sites have some guidance for new motorhomers. There is also a Swift Owners Club.

    If you go away to a site, you will probably find some kind motorhomer who will talk you through the basics. Just ask politely!

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited August 2019 #6

    OP, I watched 4mins of it, it was a guy waxing lyrical about how good it was & trying to sell it, or so it seems, no rust, one careful owner, waxoyled throughout. . .yadayadayada. Not much help tbh😕. Youtube is a good source of info mind👍🏻

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited August 2019 #7
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  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited August 2019 #8

    Thanks Rocky, just can’t stream here at the moment

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited August 2019 #9
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  • JayOutdoors
    JayOutdoors Forum Participant Posts: 572
    edited August 2019 #10

    Usually fresh (clean) & grey (dirty) tanks are underneath the living area of the M’home.  Agree with Rocky 2 buckets googling questions & watching  utube videos will probably help you find info.  Generally if it is to stand unused for any significant  length of time especially in winter it is considered best to empty/drain down all water and then leave all taps open. Also means any heater & loo water.  Personally I feel it is good to take M’home out for a run now and again to keep the batteries/tyres/engine etc up together if not spending time away in it over winter.  Good luck & enjoy.  This may be of interest. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpR3IhF3g88


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited August 2019 #11

    There is a lot of information in the advice section at the top of this page, click on the "Advice and Training" title. You'll have to wade through various bits, some for caravans and some for motorhomes plus some that applies to both. In that area there is also a technical help phone line run by the club, the number is available to all. Good luck.

  • KeithandMargaret
    KeithandMargaret Forum Participant Posts: 660
    edited August 2019 #12

    There is a very active Swift Motorhomes Owners Club on Facebook who seem very helpful and may be able to assist you.

    Hope this helps.

  • Unknown
    edited September 2019 #13
    This content has been removed.
  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,546
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    edited September 2019 #14

    We had a 1994, 540 model on a Peugeot chassis. Lovely van which gave our family many brilliant holidays. It's still on the road but may have had several owners since us. Judging by the MOT record it appears to have given good service. Can still recall many of its habitation workings, one of the best layouts for us at that moment in our lives.

  • ColinAndPaul
    ColinAndPaul Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited September 2019 #15

    Swift Royale 540 Micky

  • ColinAndPaul
    ColinAndPaul Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited September 2019 #16

    Thanks to all who replied to us!!! what a great crowd you are ! laughing

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,546
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    edited September 2019 #17

    I drained down all water lines after every trip when frosts were possible. Also left taps open (in middle position if it has mixer taps). We used our 540 through out the year but the habitation and cab areas were always very cold when traveling in winter as the cab heater was not good enough to heat the whole space. We all had to wrap up warm but once on site the gas heater did the business even with sub zero temps. outside, just took half an hour or more to warm the hab. space up. For us motorhoming has always been a four season pastime.

  • Geoff wilkes
    Geoff wilkes Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited May 2021 #18

     Hi Colin and Paul 

    I had a fiat ducato if it is L462 ROW I can tell you a lot about it just thought I would put it out there .

    I had a lpg coversion on it for one point and the rear was had a complete refurb