Commercial Benefits of Motorhome Towns - Campaign



  • Unknown
    edited August 2019 #32
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  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited August 2019 #33

    Well in UK those towing a car are a minority.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited August 2019 #34
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  • MichaelT
    MichaelT Forum Participant Posts: 1,874
    edited August 2019 #35

    blame the Government for allowing folk over 55 to raid their pension pots

    Well I am over 55 and still have a pension pot and I am sure I am not in the minority so what is your point? 

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited August 2019 #36

    excuse me, where in my post did i imply that people who raided their pension pot did not still have a pension pot. My point is that there are many out there who have raided there pension pot to fund a MH/Caravan or anything else for that matter, but I am sure many still have sufficient funds to provide a pension. My point is that if the rules had not been changed then large amounts of monies would not be available to many for the purchase of such items.  


  • MichaelT
    MichaelT Forum Participant Posts: 1,874
    edited August 2019 #37

    You certainly implied that, all the new rules have done is bring forward the choice to 55 instead of say 65 when yo can draw 25% tax free so not sure it will have a big impact in the long run apart from some people maybe running short of funds in their dotage and relying on the government for help as there is no incentive to save and have funds as you are then charged for any help you may need bit tha'ts another story I guess.sealed

  • derekcyril
    derekcyril Forum Participant Posts: 408
    edited August 2019 #38

    Love this chat , ime vanner brother m/h .height barriers were put in many years ago to stop you know who parking up and leaving loads of rubbish .. Now they just find private roads and cant be moved until residents have to pay .. i digress ..the large amount of m/h now on road who think they can still drive down country lanes like a car baffles me ..Point about towing small car , wish we could all afford that ..As for parking in towns i this country ,my disco just about fits into parking bay ..M / h are great but surely common sense cant treat it the same as a car ??

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited August 2019 #39

    As I posted elsewhere that is what a motor caravan quoted to me that the majority of new motor caravans are being financed by pension pots and equity release on property

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited August 2019 #40

    There is one a frame towed car on here but there are numerous add cars that the OH/partner follows the motor caravan to site,undecided

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited August 2019 #41

    As for parking in towns i this country ,my disco just about fits into parking bay ..M / h are great but surely common sense cant treat it the same as a car ??

    so very true but my observations lead me to believe that quite a few motor home owners, lets say of the older generation, have probably never driven anything bigger than a family car, and treat their new  MH as it is just that, you would not believe the number that ignore the 6'6" width restriction on our local Tichfield road, and the number that park facing the sea with their posterior hanging out into the carriage way, maybe the club should have MH driving courses in the same way they do caravans.laughing

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,892
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    edited August 2019 #42

    the number that park . . .  with their posterior hanging out into the carriage way,

    That is what happens when I park my Discovery in very many places! I also have side-steps fitted so I can get out the door and slide along as the space either side is also often so limited.

    I don't think it is a particularly big vehicle, especially if I am one of three adults sitting in the back seats.

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,404
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    edited August 2019 #43

    I certainly have no wish to drive our MH, which isn't huge at 6.94m down narrow lanes and struggle to find somewhere to park it. When abroad, we will make use of Aires when we want to get close to towns, or in France the municipal campsites are often ideally situated. Here we just tend to pick our sites a bit more carefully. Even with the caravan we liked sites with public transport, as I much preferred leaving the car on site as much as possible. Probably only using it to go shopping. If the site is more remote, we now just make sure we have 3 / 4 days of provisions and then move on and restock on route. Sites are picked for good walking and nearby places of interest. Although we do plan to get some ebikes to increase our range.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited August 2019 #44

    I agree that a lot of car parks both supermarket and L.A. seem to have been laid out with measurements to accommodate vehicles from the 60s before "safety" crash cages?were included in vehicles,just note a real mini and the bmw"mini?"we followed a rover 100 (1960) and that was a big care back then but it looked tiny compared to our Sportagesurprised

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited August 2019 #45

    The recommended size is 2.4 wide by 4.8 deep and for perpendicular bays 6m between bays. Some are of course smaller. 

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited August 2019 #46

    That's where "recomendations"are open to the designers thoughts on what can be achieved wink

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited August 2019 #47

    Indeed JVB. Many of those car park layouts designed by me had larger spaces. smile

  • Unknown
    edited August 2019 #48
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  • derekcyril
    derekcyril Forum Participant Posts: 408
    edited August 2019 #49

    Do you know why side steps were fitted ? To stop cars banging doors into ours ..Bit of useless info 

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,892
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    edited August 2019 #50

    The real purpose of the side step, or running board as it was originally called, was so that one's riding mechanic could get out and work on the engine while the vehicle was travelling.

    Must dig out my pair of leather driving gauntlets - they reach up to my elbows.

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited August 2019 #51

    I thought the club did run MH courses.

    6'6"? Is that MH's or Tesco delivery vans? You do seem very possessive of your patch at Hillhead.

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited August 2019 #52

    well as i have stated previously, we have a beach house that backs onto the Tichfield road after the Nature reserve and this is where the width restriction is, and a couple of years ago a MH trying to reverse out of what was a tricky situation tried to reverse into our community, gateway, fortunately for us but unfortunate for the MH the gate is very sturdy and made a bit of a mess of the MH, but MH's still chance their arm, not as many now as the LC has clamped down on overnight parking in all our areas. But rear end protrusion is a problem and as you know the road in places is very narrow 

  • derekcyril
    derekcyril Forum Participant Posts: 408
    edited August 2019 #53

    yes  correct . my mistake ..were you the mechanic or driver ?

  • rayjsj
    rayjsj Forum Participant Posts: 930
    edited August 2019 #54

    OP, I think trying to get British LA's to follow the Continents lead as regards Aires and Stellplatz is flogging a long dead isnt going to happen. They are cash strapped and cant even keep open public toilets where they are desperately needed...let alone Aire type facilities.

    Day time parking is a different kettle of fish, increasing the size of SOME parking places only takes a pot of paint and the available space.

    Motorhomes pay their road tax the same as a car (3500kg and under) so in ALL respects should be treated the same as a car, in terms of onstreet parking, causing an obstruction aside, the laws should be no different.Commercial vans and Motorhomes if the same size should be treated no differently when parking.



  • Unknown
    edited August 2019 #55
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  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,892
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    edited August 2019 #56

    Driver.  The mechanic didn't get gauntlets to keep out the cold - just grease on his hands.