Dometic fridge not cooling

oldpastonian Forum Participant Posts: 3
edited July 2019 in Caravans #1

I have a Dometic RMD 8551 fridge (with separate freezer) in my 5 year old Sterling. I can see there have been other posts about apparent issues with this model not cooling to food safe temperatures. In my case I don't think its worked properly from new and in ambient temperatures of 25 degrees C to 30 degrees C the fridge barely manages 10 degrees C, (and not much below that at all in cooler UK temperatures) although bizarrely the freezer easily maintains well below freezing and quickly freezes ice cubes.

I've always followed the standard advice (level, shaded from sun, limit door opening etc) and removed the ventilation vents and have just now fitted additional ventilation fans, none of which makes any difference. As far as i can tell it has been installed in accordance with Dometic instructions.Using gas makes no difference.

It's not safe to store perishable food at 10 degrees C plus and it's fortunate I have a compressor driven portable fridge I can use as well while here in Brittany on holiday.

I raised the issue with Dometic back in 2016, but they more or less dismissed the problems siting the same advice as I've mentioned earlier. They also said the normal operating temperature for the fridge is 7 degrees C, which to my mind makes it not fit for purpose anyway as I understand perishable foods need about 4-5 degrees C for safety.

Previous fridges used in the same pitch have always worked satisfactorily even freezing in the fridge compartment sometimes in higher ambient temperatures so I'm pretty much convinced there is potentially a design flaw (or manufacturing fault) with this model given the various forum discussions about it (and as I've experienced the issues since new).

Perhaps there is a blockage or narrow cooling tube and maybe related to a design or manufacturing flaw.

Is this issue familiar to any one else and if so any solutions please?


  • Miggs
    Miggs Forum Participant Posts: 15
    edited July 2019 #2

    The only time I have noticed this is when I mistakenly left the fridge on battery after traveling. I find the 12v performance next to useless.

    Conversely, I often have to turn it right down when on mains supply or else the milk freezes!

    Not sure which model, it's the one they fit to Unicorn 3 Cadiz.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,474
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    edited July 2019 #3

    The fridge will only work on 12v when your caravan is connected to the car with the engine running so, in the circumstances you describe, Miggs, there would have been no power to the fridge cooling element.

  • Miggs
    Miggs Forum Participant Posts: 15
    edited July 2019 #4

    That could go some way to explain why it didn't cool down very much!


  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
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  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited July 2019 #6

    The OP is talking about a fridge in a caravan, the wiring in motor caravans is such that running on twelve volt while driving is different to running via the 13pin plug and sockets that connect via a modern "intelligent?" alternators fitted to cars,we do not have problems with our dometic fridge when on site and useing the caravan/or EHU supply

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,474
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    edited July 2019 #7

    Yep! 😃

  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 909
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    edited July 2019 #8

    Oldpastonian, our Dometic fridge has the same problem, as you say it seems a fairly common gripe!  Our latest caravan a 2017 model has same fridge as our previous van, the RMD 8551, and as long as we have the cooling temperature on maximum it does seem to work a little better although to be honest we have yet to try it in very hot weather but I feel the results would be as poor as before.  We gave up buying perishable food in France in 2017 as it was not safe to keep it.  Also we got the same disinterest from Dometic when we asked their opinion at the NEC same year, same script as you got.  Sorry it doesn’t help much but just so you know you are not alone with this problem. 

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited July 2019 #9

    After finding ours wasn't working on gas in a heatwave here last year we went through the small print in the manual. The fridge has got to be pre-cooled empty on a high setting for at least 24 hours. It mustn't be too full when in use and the door must be opened as little as possible. This applies to gas and ehu. It worked for us, hope it's of help to someone. smile

  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 909
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    edited July 2019 #10

    Difficult for us as the caravan is in storage.  It does get cold after about 18 hours and seems to maintain temperature (average UK temps) if set on max.  We do use additional cooling blocks in fridge if temperature is very warm. 

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited July 2019 #11

    Yes, I suppose in the same situation it's best to cool it down empty on site. We had to do this in the end, losing a lot of food! But we got there finally.

  • Unknown
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  • TonyBurton
    TonyBurton Forum Participant Posts: 269
    edited July 2019 #14

    If the treezer is OK and the fridge is not cold enough it may be worth checking the door seal. I had a new door fitted after I found I could poke a piece of cardboard between the rubber seal and the fridge.

  • oldpastonian
    oldpastonian Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited July 2019 #15

    Thanks to all who have responded so far. To clarify I follow all the Dometic guidance (as cited by some respondents) and it makes no difference. 

    I will check the seal though as per Tony Burton's suggestion, although I'm pretty sure it's OK.

    As an update I managed to find online a Dometic service sheet relating to their fridges and this advises there is a problem with the circulation tubes being blocked if the cooling tube is much cooler than the boiler/heater tube and that is the case with my fridge when feeling the tubes at the rear. 

    I'm therefore thinking it's a blockage which has happened at some point in the past although, given the fridge has struggled from day 1, I'm more inclined to a manufacturing or design fault.

    It will have to be checked more thoroughly when back home!

  • iancalderbank
    iancalderbank Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited September 2020 #16

    did you ever get anywhere with this? have the exact same fridge, exact same issues since new, in a bailey segovia 2018. tried everything. fans etc. multiple parts changed including the cooling unit. I think its just not fit for purpose.

    love the van but hate the fridge

    now seriously thinking about changing it and suing dometic/bailey for the cost.

    it even overheated internally in a warm spell in BARNARD CASTLE this summer. didn't have to go to france for my food to go off!



  • Tigi
    Tigi Forum Participant Posts: 1,038
    edited September 2020 #17

    We`ve had a number of caravans and motorhomes and the fridges in each have varied from too cold (on 12V) to just right to not cold enough. In the case of caravans the cars themselves seem to play a part with the current Euro 6 and smart alternators not being particularily suited to running the fridge, in addition wiring looms may vary. The one central theme is ensuring the fridge when in hot climes is pr-cooled empty and not over filled, food placed in the fridge should be as cold as possible.

  • oldpastonian
    oldpastonian Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited September 2020 #18

    Latest update. My service engineer has an ex Dometic employee contact who said one solution is to move the temperature sensor, which is fitted to the fridge fins,  closer to the centre and top fins of the fridge.

    Unfortunately due to Covid 19 we’ve not had the caravan out this year so can’t test this solution. Will have to wait to next year’s summer holiday!

  • Pageantpete07
    Pageantpete07 Forum Participant Posts: 91
    First Comment
    edited October 2020 #19

    Drive with dipped headlights  problem solved

  • guppy
    guppy Forum Participant Posts: 5
    edited August 2022 #20

    Has anyone done this and validated the solution? I assume it’s the thing on the wire behind the little whit plastic box bottom right hand side.


    Is the temp sensor on long enough cable to move? Also any tips? Does it just pull off the fins?

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited August 2022 #21

    My fridge is a Thetford but my sensor as you described failed whilst I was in Spain, replaced with new sensor, Spanish engineer told me for best performance it should go on the 5th fin from the left as you look into fridge, on my fridge that is just short of half way, new sensor i bought had quite a bit of slack on cable.

  • skodaman
    skodaman Club Member Posts: 145
    edited August 2022 #22

    does the unit need re gassing might be worth contacting a local fridge engineer to re gas or top unit with new refrigerant gas just a thought

  • seapea
    seapea Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited July 2023 #23

    I concur with the original post. This seems to be an on going problem with Dometic. I have a 2021 Coachman with a Dometic fridge. In ambients above around 25 deg C, the fridge does not cool below an unsafe 10 deg C. and has not done since new. I have fitted the expensive Dometic fan but have seen little improvement.

    Has anyone resolved this problem? Has anyone challenged this under warranty ie not fit for purpose?

  • jennyc
    jennyc Forum Participant Posts: 957
    edited July 2023 #24

    Following this year’s 30+ Deg temperatures in southern Europe, I’ve once again looked at Dometic fridge problems. We’ve removed the insect screens, fitted fans and parked in the shade. Our best advice came from Dometic themselves, who tell me that the fridge will cool to 16 deg below ambient temperature and not further. So at 36Deg ambient, we’re getting 20Deg, confirmed by me.

    if you feel that Dometic and Swift in my case have been mis sold our refrigerators, then I agree, and I’d swap it out for an alternative if I could, but like others, I’m stuck with it. Out of interest, our ice box froze into a ball of ice, which with its reduced surface area, no longer worked either.

    All in all, Dometic are selling goods which aren’t fit for purpose and Swift et all are fitting them. I note that Dometic have bought out Kampa, who’ve previously been market leaders. I predict a downturn to accompany the current price increases.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
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  • jennyc
    jennyc Forum Participant Posts: 957
    edited July 2023 #26

    Thanks DD, thermal grease on fridges is a new one on me. Back when we built our own PCs, white thermal grease was applied between the CPU and its heat sink. I assume that you’re using it between the thermostat and cooling fins. Though Dometic’s advice that the fridge was only designed for a 16 deg drop stands, every little helps.

    Yes, I agree,  Kampa we’re a pleasure to deal with.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited July 2023 #27
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  • jennyc
    jennyc Forum Participant Posts: 957
    edited July 2023 #28

    Thanks again DD. we’re away right now, but it’ll get priority when we return. I haven’t looked yet, but I imagine that a Google search will spot a resource.