Is this a record?

I have recieve the enjoy your holiday emails well before the date. However, this morning one dropped in my inbox over 3 months before the booking. They will be sending them with the confirmation email next.😂
I stopped them as I know when and where I'm going and I don't need a reminder.
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Me, too, Jill. I opted out of everything non-essential.
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They do seem to be a bit erratic when they arrive. Can you just opt out of the "Enjoy your Holiday" emails on their own?
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That's what worries me. If you opt out of one you also opt out of the other. I like the surveys and as it seems the Club seems to be forming policy on the results of these surveys I want to take part. Personally getting a few superfluous emails does not worry me but what does worry me is what I might miss so I will stick with the delete button.
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The emails don't worry me too much, to be honest. The dates are always in my diary together with all the booking details, so I do just tend to press delete. In the grand scheme of things, it's only one email in a while to go with the endless number of other emails I get on a daily basis.
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The club do say that since they started sending these the number of late cancelations and no shows has dropped considerably, so if that is correct the we should live with them. Like DSB we have all our bookings diarised and they come up on our phones and tablet so we are well aware of what we have booked but others may be less organised.
They do not bother me one way or the other, like a lot of e mails I do not need I just accept it as part of modern life.
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I also don't have any problems with receiving them. Like you WW we also have our bookings both digitally stored and on a conventional calendar. My point was more about how long before they are sometimes sent. If they are designed to make folk think if they still need the booking, surely a few weeks before would be a more sensible time.
Incidentally we have also recieved them 2 / 3 weeks before. It all seems a bit random and makes me wonder what triggers the sending.