Dealers Profit Margin
For various personal reasons our motorhome is not going to get the use it needs and we have therefore decided to sell. We prefer to go to a dealer and are prepared to 'take a hit' on value but just how much should we accept? We have established that a dealers price would be £35000 and are prepared to accept £30000 but is this a big enough margin? Do dealers operate on a bigger margin? I appreciate that it depends on condition and extras etc., but it has been well maintained, is well looked after and has many small extras, so we would be very surprised if a dealer had to spend a significant amount to market it.
Any opinions/comments would be appreciated.
Don’t forget that a dealer has to pay vat so the windscreen price will not all go in his pocket. Also he has to bear the cost of possible warranty issues so will make an allowance for that.
I reckon your £30k is optimistic.
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Trouble is with those there is not enough incentive for the dealer to push it, over selling his own vans on which his margin will be higher. We tried selling the late father in laws van in this manner and ended up selling it to the dealer before we would have needed to reinsure it.
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You could find a dealer who will act as a broker to sell your van. I did this with a caravan about 4 years ago. Paid a fix price which included, valet, display, advertising etc., Van sold in a month and I made nearly twice as much as I was offered for part exchange. Might be worth you exploring
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Recently sold our van through Autotrader. Many dealers enquired and their prices was top teens, I took that as an average £18K. Selling privately I was asking £29K and got £27K. It was easy, Autotrader web site very helpful with tips on preparing your advert. Warnings on Scams. How to take payment etc. Total cost £49.
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The VAT paid by the dealer is on the profit element only I have been told.