Kilimanjaro for Comic Relief

Did anyone else watch this last night? I usually avoid these sort of celebrity challenges like the plague - I'm just always very aware of the huge back up teams making sure these precious souls don't fail!
And I spent the first 20 minutes or so hating all the dramatic tears and breakdowns and forced bonhomie. But I'm glad I stuck with it because in the end I was very impressed by the way they stuck to their task and supported each other. I though the two young girls from Little Mix were good, as was Shirley Ballas. And what about Ed Balls? Strange that, like Michael Portillo before him he seems to have become so much more human and likeable since being dumped out of politics.
Worth a look on iPlayer if you missed it!
Also very impressed by their perseverance. It was no little undertaking. One hadn't even camped before. The back up teams don't concern me, they are required for the safety of those taking part. Major mountaineering expeditions often involve a large contingent of helpers, just to get one or two to the summit. Well worth downloading.
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Well done to them, my wife suffered from altitude sickness when climbing Moroccos' Mt Toubkal at over 4000 metres in 2013 and says it's a very frightening experience.
These climbers ascended another 1000 metres so credit to them all. Incidentally, in all these outdoor documentaries no verbal recognition is ever given to the cameramen who also work in addition to the walking and climbing.
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Missed it myself, hope to get it on catch up.
I agree so much with you about the camera and soundrecording folks. They are the real unsung heroes as without them the celebrities wouldn't get the same coverage. It also applies to programmes about wildlife etc, they too put themselves in the frontline.
Yes there are always large unsung back up teams, I was most disappointed when I discover the real truth about Hillary's conquest of Everest. I wasn't born when he did it but always assumed it was just him! I was around for the moon landings so knew that there was so much that went into the mission before man walked on the moon 😂
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Not wishing to disagree, B2, but some of the explorers like Gordon Buchanan leave the main campsite in the tender care of the Base Camp Staff. Then they wander off carrying all their own kit , in Buchanan's case that can include tent, cooking kit food, water PLUS about 4 automatic cameras to tie to trees or stake out in the sand or snow. All this excluding his own high quality shoulder mounted camera !! He's regularly seen up in the far north of America filming wolves, or over in Indonesia etc looking for new species