Great Savings Guide 2019

I see this will be available end of Feb online, but I cannot find if it is also available to order in hard copy this year.. I don't carry my laptop around with me in the van, nor do I use the net on my phone if I can avoid that, so hard copy is preferred. I suppose I could run off a load of vouchers at home beforehand, but would still need web access to search for attractions in whichever part of the UK I am caravanning. Much easier to have a hard copy in the car to pick up at will. Tried using the Chat Line, but didn't connect me to anyone and can't see the answer in FAQ. Help please, thank you.
Thanks brue...just ordered mine tonight.
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I must have a rummage. I'm sure I've got a couple of Townsend Thoresen ones somewhere. Must have a collectible value.
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It's the latest "must have" fad, like smiley faces and waving hands in the back window of one's car.
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Displaying a "GB" plate is coming back as a snobbery item to try to have people think you have been "on the continent" rather than away at Skegness (nothing wrong with Skegness though, is there?)
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We have a Yorkshire sticker. Nothing tops that. Mind, the St Pirans cross has been of value as well🤣
sent for GsG hardcopy, back in stock.
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i think you will also find that if we should leave the EU with a big bang then if you have number plates that contain GB enclosed within the euro flag will no longer be valid and a single GB plate will be compulsory, just put one on the rear of my van for our trip starting on the 26th Mar, and have a magnetic one for the rear of the car.
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No, ours hasn’t arrived yet either.
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Mine took about a week to arrive.
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Having had a glance through the Guide that arrived on Friday I noticed that entry to RSPB reserves seem to call for the showing of your membership card and a voucher from the guide. I was always under the impression that the membership was sufficient. Have the rules changed? Will the RSPB reserves be more insistent on the voucher being produced?
Won't affect us as we are members of both organisations.
Will post this in the Wildlife RSPB thread as well to try to get a response from them. Might be quicker than EG.
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We ended up with two last year K. It took weeks for first one to arrive, by which time I had reordered. That second one arrived within days.
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I would reorder. It only took a week for mine to arrive this year.