Spare tyre in Europe

mike broadhurst
mike broadhurst Forum Participant Posts: 6
edited February 2019 in Motorhomes #1

I have been told that the spare needs to be the same make as the other four tyres on my motorhome, when in Europe.  At present I have Michelin Agilus Camping tyres on the running wheels and a non camping tyre (of the correct load rating) on the spare.  Any comments would be welcome.


  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,536
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    edited February 2019 #2

    Not sure where you mean. We are part of Europe!  Is this specific to individual counties or all of the mainland of Europe?

  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited February 2019 #3

    I would doubt it. Spare wheels, even when fitted, are frequently a different size ie space saver, let alone being the same make.

  • mike broadhurst
    mike broadhurst Forum Participant Posts: 6
    edited February 2019 #4

    Sorry Micky, yes we are still part of Europe!  I went to my local tyre fitter to get 4 new Camping tyres and a spare.  I wanted to buy a non-camping spare as they are cheaper and he said in Europe all five tyres have to be the same make.  I assume he meant certain mainland European countries.  I can't find any reference to that regulation though.

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,536
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    edited February 2019 #5

    I've had a 'dig' too but can't find any info. on the subect. More project fear may be? There may be specific countries in the world mind where this could apply, just haven't found any yet. In the old days a crossply spare and radials on the corners was illegal in UK prior to us joining the EU I do recall.

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,536
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    edited February 2019 #6

    Does this help

    "In order to achieve optimal driving characteristics Continental recommends that the same tires are fitted on all wheel positions of your vehicle. In other words tires of the same brand, tread pattern tire size, load index and speed symbol should be fitted all round. Especially important is that the tire size load, index and speed symbol are in accordance with the vehicle manufacturer’s specification for all wheel positions. In many countries, this is a legal requirement. Driving your vehicle with a non-recommended mix of tire sizes, constructions, and speed ratings can be dangerous and illegal. Follow the vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations and/or seek the advice from a trained tire specialist if you consider upgrading your tires with different sizes, constructions, load ratings or speed ratings."

    Doesn't say they have to be same make mind in those 'many countries'! Doesn't tell us which countries either!

  • Whittakerr
    Whittakerr Club Member Posts: 3,486
    1000 Comments Photogenic
    edited February 2019 #7

    10 or so years ago whilst on holiday in France I had a blow out that required a new tyre. As it was a company car I contacted the AA 5* insurance I had to takeout to enable me to take my car abroad. They gave me the details of the nearest Saab dealer, (no kwik fit in France), and also told me they might insist on replacing the other tyre on the same axle.

    As it turned out the dealership weren’t bothered about it but still took 3 days to get a replacement for the damaged tyre!

  • MichaelT
    MichaelT Forum Participant Posts: 1,874
    edited February 2019 #8

    I think it relates to having the same tyre on he same axle so if you have say Agilis on one side that is say 50% worn they may insist on replacing both sides with a anew trye so both sides have same depth etc,

  • Oxfordeagle15
    Oxfordeagle15 Club Member Posts: 116
    edited February 2019 #9

    In 2017 we had a bad puncture on the nearside caravan wheel.  

    At a local garage - I was told that they "hoped it would be repairable" for if not, then we would have to replace both tyres as it is apparently illegal for any vehicle not to have the same tyres on the same axle - in France,

    I therefore suggest that what you have been told is correct.

    Happy travels!

  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited February 2019 #10

    I would suggest that the tyres should just be the same size, speed & load rating on the same axle .... not necessarily the same make 🤔

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited February 2019 #11
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  • Tigi
    Tigi Forum Participant Posts: 1,038
    edited February 2019 #12

    If you turn up at a tyre depot for a new tyre you may well be advised or required to fit a similar tyre but a spare is for emergency use so provided you don`t intend to use it permanently I can`t see it matters. After all cars carry a space saver and not of the same make and you can`t get much different to the original than that. 

  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited February 2019 #13

    My 4x4 R Class comes with a spare like this no idea what its rolling radius is ... 🤔... I've never used it

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited February 2019 #14
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  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited February 2019 #15

    It does ..... 50kph max speed, can't remember max distance. I don't intend really to put it to the test, though better than the can of goo that comes with the car I'm looking at that might soon replace the R320

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,187
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    edited February 2019 #16

    I have not seen anything that suggests you can't use a different tyre as a spare although I would question why you would do so as surely the saving in cost is quite minimal in the scheme of things. There has been some anecdotal evidence in France that some tyre fitters have insisted on fitting two new tyres on the same axle but whether that is actually a rule, despite being good practise, I am not sure. Having said that if having put the spare on and then taking the damaged tyre to be replaced you could always tell them that it's the spare?  They couldn't then insist you have two!!!



  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,536
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    edited February 2019 #17

    Has anyone seen or heard of a 'space saver' emergency wheel for a motorhome or commercial panel van? I don't think they will exist but curious to know.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,187
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    edited February 2019 #18

    No I have not heard of them being used. I suppose if you are going to all the trouble of supplying a temporary spare wheel in a van you may as well stick to a full sized one as the space is there to house it and the weight saving fairly minimal?  Many motorhome manufacturers seem not to include a spare wheel to save weight and instead substitute gunge filler. My original motorhome came with a spare wheel but on the new one we have ordered I had to specify it and pay for it as an extra.
