Motorhome pitch and day trips (newbies)

Puzzler Forum Participant Posts: 2

Sorry if this has been discussed before. We have taken the plunge and bought a motor home, not a huge one, just 2 berths and really looking forward to staying in and exploring some lovely locations. My question is, once you have reserved a pitch what generally is the procedure for leaving it whilst out for the day if you have to use the motorhome for getting out and about. Do we need our own bollard to keep the pitch free or do sites have their own system? Thank you


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited January 2019 #2

    You just need to leave a pitch notice saying it's in use. Something like the one on offer here. Or you could make your own. smile

    Club Shop LINK

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited January 2019 #3

    As brue says do leave a sign to say its in use. We made up our own sign easy to do with the Reg No on it. If you do make your own don't make it too small and make sure you leave it where folk will see it as they look at the pitch. 

    It can happen that some folk don't see the sign and then set up before telling the office what pitch they are on. 

    If you think its ok to do so, we sometimes used to leave chairs and a table out as well.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,330
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    edited January 2019 #4

    We do as Tammygirl and leave something very visible in the pitch in our absence. We have never had an issue but I've read posts on here that suggest it could be an issue.

    As a motorhomer don't forget that you don't have to say on the same site for long periods, it's easy to sightsee on your journey and you can travel and stay as your saunter around. It's great cos you have your own facilities whist out and about and you can have your dinner with scenic views. It makes a great place to sit and watch wildlife. I'm sure you'll really enjoy ownership and trips. 

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited January 2019 #5

      Welcome  to  the  joys  &  delights  of  MotorHoming  Puzzler,  may  you  have  years  and  years  of  pleasure  from  your  'motor  coollaughing

      I  have  a  Club  Sign, { of  an  older  design },  screwed  to  a  piece  of  painted  plywood,  with  the  'vans  reg  no  painted  on  it.  With  a  couple  of  metal  tent  pegs  {  and  no  --  they  were  not  nicked  from  somebodies  awning surprised }  its  easy  to  place  by  the  " MARKER PEG"  wink.

    As  TammyGirl  has  said  some  folks  leave  anything  thats  handy,  but  please  don't  leave  your  Orange  Mains  Lead  there  and  certainly  NOT  plugged  in  yell.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited January 2019 #6

    Yes I forgot to say you might need some fixings, we've got some wire threaded through ours to use on posts, pegs or whatever is needed. 

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,474
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    edited January 2019 #7

    You definitely need to leave something, Puzzler, whatever type of site you're on.

    We leave our home made marker board out which states the pitch is in use and quotes our reg number. We generally leave the EHU cable as well but it does depend where we are. (It’s blue, Brian, and unplugged😀)


  • Puzzler
    Puzzler Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited January 2019 #8

    Thank you everyone for your kind replies, you have been most helpful. Bakers2 , we do intend to saunter around, we cant wait!  I hope the weather will be as good as last year.

  • Aspenshaw
    Aspenshaw Forum Participant Posts: 611
    edited January 2019 #9

    We have two signs, one a large foam one which was a gift from Practical Motorhome and the second an earlier version of the one highlighted by brue.

    We have a hole in the top edge of the sign and just loop an elastic band though it. We then loop the elastic band over the pitch peg. Never comes off but the CC one we have sometimes spins in the wind.

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited January 2019 #10

    Not  worried  about  the  plugged/unplugged  situation  Tinny,  since  the  'van  end  should  have  that  spring-loaded  safety  shield  on  it,  I  just  don't  like  the  thought  of  ANY mains  lead  being  left  lying  loose  --  it's  not  doing  the  connectors  any  good  lying  on  the  ground  be  it  hard  standing  or  grassinnocent.  As  for  the  colour  you  probably  do  need  the  blue   "Arctic"  type  cable  down  there  in  the  deep  south  wink

  • RowenaBCAMC
    RowenaBCAMC Forum Participant Posts: 1,732
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    edited January 2019 #11

    Congratulations on your new motorhome

    As mentioned by other members, if you're leaving the site for a while, save your pitch by marking it as occupied. As brue said, you can buy pitch signs from the Club Shop, here: Motorhome Pitch Sign or make your own marker. 

    Wishing you lots of wonderful trips in your motohome and looking forward to hearing all about them on Club Together. If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to contact us at the Club or ask other members on Club Together. 


  • TonyIshUK
    TonyIshUK Forum Participant Posts: 296
    edited March 2019 #12

    If not already advised to, please disconnect your mains cable from the EHU, .some what obviously having a live cable with a live end is not wise. It could rain, get wet, be peed on by a dog, (That could be seen as poetic justice by some) but not a good way to meet fellow campers.

    Make your IN USE sign obvious and secure.

    we returned as asked why fellow campers was on our pitch, at the same time as pulling our notice and number plate from under their mohome. 

    Just got a shrug of shoulders and a "Din't see it , matey" .  
