My Chausson Motorhome has just been stolen

David Goodman
David Goodman Forum Participant Posts: 3
edited October 2018 in Caravan & Motorhome Chat #1

I am devastated and shocked about what has happened.

I am trying to post something about it.


  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,875
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    edited October 2018 #2

    Bad news. I am sorry. But your first task is to phone the police and then your insurance company. Good wishes.

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,502
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    edited October 2018 #3

    Shocking and sickening news! Can't imagine! TWY🙁

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited October 2018 #4

    Sorry to hear of the theft. Best of luck.. 


  • lornalou1
    lornalou1 Forum Participant Posts: 2,169
    edited October 2018 #5

    Was it in storage site or on own property. frown

  • Chrystal
    Chrystal Forum Participant Posts: 231
    edited October 2018 #6

    Worse Nightmare, hope everything gets sorted soon, and the thieves get locked up .


  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited October 2018 #7

    We've just had a spate of car break-ins close to our local area. One wonders whether this escalating trend is due to the lack of police response, apart from a crime number, as they "prioritise" cases.

    It is effectively announcing open season to the ungodly. Do they not realise unless things are turned round in pretty short order, they may be faced with the rise of vigilantism. Mind you, if a few of these low-lifes had the crap beaten out of them it might discourage the others. 

    I wish the government would realise the danger and ensure that we are policed adequately. Perhaps when Brexit is done and dusted, they can get on with the day job.

  • MichaelT
    MichaelT Forum Participant Posts: 1,874
    edited October 2018 #9

    I think Chausson are on Ford Chassis and they are well known for ease of breaking into and stealing. 

  • Milothedog
    Milothedog Forum Participant Posts: 1,433
    edited October 2018 #10

    That'll make the OP feel better about it then wink

  • rayjsj
    rayjsj Forum Participant Posts: 930
    edited October 2018 #11

    No, but it might...just might help another owner stop the low-lifes stealing their Ford/Chausson.  Wheelclamp, Drivers seat locked facing the rear......for a start.

    Good luck with the insurance claim.

  • Randomcamper
    Randomcamper Club Member Posts: 1,062
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    edited October 2018 #12

    Car break ins and thefts and even motorhome thefts are not a police priority and rightly or wrongly it is up to owners to look after their vehicles and contents. If they suffer a theft then they claim on their insurance.

    The Police Federation has made no bones about "Cuts have Consequences". They do. If you don't like it write to your MP.

    Many other public services face the same chronic underfunding I'm sure....

    The police prioritise now vulnerable people and that takes up most of their time because there is a never ending stream of calls on these issues.

    Most Police & Crime commisioners publish their priorities, here's an example.....

    Sorry if none of that is what you wanted to hear CY, but that's the reality of the situation. It's a very cruel world away from the cosy confines of a CC site.......


  • Phishing
    Phishing Forum Participant Posts: 597
    edited October 2018 #13

    David, sorry for your upset, it leaves you sick, it is a distressing time and I wish you well. 

    Use your insurance company they are usually very good with total loss and should give you a good outcome, small comfort but try to get some positives. 

    Tintent, your post is harsh but unfortunately shockingly true. I phoned the police this year after witnessing theft from a vehicle, my vehicle, they told me they may have responded if they had go the call at the time of the theft. It took 15 minutes to get through to them. 

    A number of years ago after witnessing another car theft when the culprits were caught I testified in court. The driver who was prosecuted for being 4x drunk driving limit (twice previously banned) and having 23 other convictions for car theft got 100 hours community service. Are you surprised the police don't pursue vehicle theft.

  • Aspenshaw
    Aspenshaw Forum Participant Posts: 611
    edited October 2018 #14

    I feel for you David. 

    Ford based motorhomes are being stolen to such an extent that some insurers are insisting on Trackers being fitted. But for any of us feeling smug in our Fiat based motorhomes, my son showed me how, with the right gear bought off Amazon, he can steal my alarmed motorhome within two minutes. If you have central locking, it may be quicker than that. Fortunately, my son is a law abiding citizen.

  • lornalou1
    lornalou1 Forum Participant Posts: 2,169
    edited October 2018 #15

    mmmmm. he knew where to buy and how to use the "right gear" from amazon and then showed you how to use it. that's 2 more suspects about. haha. wink 

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,390
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    edited October 2018 #16

    Come on, David G, give us an update. It’s only fair.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited October 2018 #17

    And David G has just"liked" a post so i agree with your post

  • David Goodman
    David Goodman Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited October 2018 #18

    I am trying to get my head around using this site. I am on Compose a reply. But what I wrote just now has vanished, tried using the enter key [no luck]  Just.seen reply key at the bottom [ I will see if that works.]

    It works.   --------------------------------------------------------------------

    I have a CHAUSSON  BEST of 10  Registration DU63.YGZ

    It was Stolen from the car park of The Swan Pub in East Ilsley, Newbury some time between mid day Sunday 14th Oct and 1-15pm 16th Oct.



  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,390
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    edited October 2018 #19

    You’ve cracked it, David. Compose then Reply.

  • David Goodman
    David Goodman Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited October 2018 #20

    I selected 2 photos but did not download [don't know what I have not done.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,390
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    edited October 2018 #21

    Photos are not so simple. Click Add Photo, select the pic from your album/gallery, then Reply. But your pic may well be rejected if it’s more than 500kb in size in which case it needs resizing. There are instructions in the How to Use CT section.

    If you can’t beat it, I’m happy to try posting them for you if you care to email them to me. Address in my profile.