Airangel WIFI

Fatles Forum Participant Posts: 12
edited October 2018 in Club Products & Services #1

I have recently been to Black Knowl site. I tried to login to the WIFI each time it just returned to the login or register page. I went to reception and the lady was very helpful even though she couldn't solve the problem. She gave me a number to ring for Airangel. I rang the number and the person tried to solve the problem. Unfortunately he couldn't and said he would escalate it to so,done senior and they would ring me. 3 hours later I heard nothing so rang again and the lady told me that it had been escalated but as it was Saturday there would be no one in until Monday. 

After the wait I'd had on Saturday I decided to go out in the afternoon. I received a call at about 14.30 I told him that I was away from my iPad and could he call back in 2 hours. He did say that I had be given 24hr connection. I arrived back at the caravan at about 16.00 and tried to connect, the same thing happened as on the earlier occasions. I waited for his call and low and behold I a man still waiting. I arrived home on the 25th September.



  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited October 2018 #2

    Perhaps the answer is to pay by credit card then you can use consumer credit legislation to obtain redress. If they start getting hit in the wallet, it might focus the mind.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,520
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    edited October 2018 #3

    Isn’t that for items over £100?🤔

    I’ll just carry on making my own arrangements and AA know what they can do with their rubbish Wi-fi. 😵

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited October 2018 #4

    I suggest that you contact the club and advise of the poor service you seem to have recieved, as this site seems to be "monitored? " on a bit hit and miss ,and a direct contact (or it seems face ache)will highlight it ? I have also reported your post as that may also bring it to someone's attention?

  • Fatles
    Fatles Forum Participant Posts: 12
    edited October 2018 #5

    That was part of the problem I couldn't get passed the login page to be able to pay.

  • Fatles
    Fatles Forum Participant Posts: 12
    edited October 2018 #6

    Thankyou, I have contacted the the club. They have said that the department that deal with Airangel will pass on my complaint. I will be interested to see what excuses Airangel come back with for their disgusting customer service.

  • nilrem77
    nilrem77 Forum Participant Posts: 8
    edited October 2018 #7

    Were other people having the same issue? If not it may be the settings on your iPad which is causing the problem.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,520
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    edited October 2018 #8

    Care to introduce yourself, nilrem?

  • nilrem77
    nilrem77 Forum Participant Posts: 8
    edited October 2018 #9

    Just done it. 


  • trellis
    trellis Forum Participant Posts: 1,102
    edited October 2018 #10

    I was there 3 weeks ago and got signed up and logged in no trouble. However 2 days running I lost the signal completely between 4 and 5 in the afternoon,fine before and after . Just put it down to mass overload of system.I use an android tablet.

  • brightstar2
    brightstar2 Forum Participant Posts: 128
    edited October 2018 #11

    Don' t use it - won' t use it. Do my own thing with Huwei mi-fi.  

  • Fatles
    Fatles Forum Participant Posts: 12
    edited October 2018 #12

    I spoke to 2 other people who were having the same problem. 

    one was using a Ipad like me, and the other one was using a Laptop.

  • Bluemalaga
    Bluemalaga Forum Participant Posts: 936
    edited October 2018 #13

    I had a similar problem with my I-Pad and was advised by the warden to reset the network 

    Go to settings - scroll down to General - scroll down to Reset - select Reset Network settings.

    It worked for me but I would hope the club wi-fi had improved since this worked.


  • Fatles
    Fatles Forum Participant Posts: 12
    edited October 2018 #14

    I tried all of that but nothing. I wasn't really that bothered as we went into Brockenhurst and used the free one in the buttery cafe. 

    My complaint was about the way that Airangel couldn't even be bothered to ring back. They obviously don't know what customer service is, if they do they are not bothered about it. They are only interested in how much they can get From customers.

  • nilrem77
    nilrem77 Forum Participant Posts: 8
    edited October 2018 #15

    Does anyone know what the service level agreement the CMC has with AirAngel?

    My experience has been positive the couple of times I have had issues.

  • bobthebodger
    bobthebodger Forum Participant Posts: 33
    edited October 2018 #16

    Ive had similar problems and the CMHC have 7 years left on the AA contract so I bought one of these plus a mobile SIM from 3 (£29 for a years wifi use) never looked back.

  • bobthebodger
    bobthebodger Forum Participant Posts: 33
    edited October 2018 #17

     Huawei E5577 Black 4G Low-cost Travel Wi-Fi

  • Jammy
    Jammy Forum Participant Posts: 39
    edited August 2019 #18

    I bought a years internet while at Clumber Park.  It was fine there but here at Moreton-in-Marsh it is dreadful, very slow if it works at all.  See photo.  I have a WiFi connection but AirAngel has no internet connection!


    Totally unacceptable.


  • redface
    redface Forum Participant Posts: 1,701
    edited August 2019 #19

    Use your mobile phone as a personal hotspot. Tendency is for a better , more reliable connection!

  • Fatles
    Fatles Forum Participant Posts: 12
    edited August 2019 #20

    Thanks. I will try that when I return at the end of September.

  • ClintE
    ClintE Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited August 2019 #21

    I pay the annual fee for Club WiFi and am finding more and more that I'm getting less value for money. Stayed on the new CAMC site at Bridport earlier this year and although wifi is listed as available on site it does not mention that there is a charge and the subscribed CAMC wifi membership is not available. I am finding it harder and harder to get good and sometimes any wifi on sites and so have upgraded my mobile to unlimited data such that provided I have a network signal I will use my data instead of CAMC wifi. I will review club wifi each year to see if there is any improvement.


  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,413
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    edited August 2019 #22

    Yes agree re Bingham Grange, although it mentions the charge (at least it does now) it is not particularly obvious. Personally I think it would have made more sense to include it in the price, until they get it changed over.

    Dont agree re the quality of the WiFi however. We have been subscribing for years and personally I feel there has been a noticeable improvement over the last two years. Certainly at the sites we frequent.

    If you have unlimited on your phone it will depend very much on the sites you visit, as to wether the CAMC offering is worth it. Some  sites have poor or non existent mobile coverage, so the site WiFi provides a useful back up. It depends on how much you need it I suppose.😀

  • inky
    inky Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited January 2020 #23

    Yes I've had nothing but trouble with caravan and motor home WiFi, I 've been on various sites ,and before anyone says it's my equipment it's not, all works well at home, I've complained lots,to airangle and nothing happens, I've spoken to wardens they're it's cos to many are on it,it's not, the signal is up and down all the time ,one minutiae it's 3bars strength then drop p s to 1 then nothing ,then 2 then nothing, I payed the anual fee which has gone up to£ 27.50, I won't be doing that again, so airangle you can stick your wi fi.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited January 2020 #24

    We have used Air Angel WiFi on club site since it was first introduced, and last year did 211 nights ( mostly club sites) and if used as requested, and have had few problems ,but as site staff advise it is not capable of streaming as some members try ,which slows down the system which in most areas are very rural "village"that to run fibre to would be far too expensive as many rural, (notclubsites)villages know only to well and at much higher prices than the £27 annual fee that is available to club members if utilized as we docoolwink

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,250
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    edited January 2020 #25

    I often have a lot of problems connecting to the internet via the Club's WiFi. Generally don't have and issue using the Club website for free but it often doesn't recognise my log in on some sites and yet on others it comes up immediately, I have no explanation why this should happen. If there was a clue (but it can't be right) it seems to connect OK on sites where the 4G signal is poor? Whilst I accept that the annual pass is reasonable value if you spend lots of time on Club sites I would argue that it is poor value for one day/week passes and I think those costs should be lowered to one pound a day or a fiver for a week. Lowering those prices might even increase take up and be cost neutral if the Club is prepared to give it a go. I am not an advocate of free WiFi but do think the prices I mentioned should be looked at.


  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,520
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    edited January 2020 #26

    I see that I will save £30 by not buying site Wi-fi this year.👍🏻


  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,877
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    edited January 2020 #27

    Highly unlikely I’ll be using the clubs WiFi in the future, having used it in the past. Pairing (iPad) into the phone network works better, and is free, as long as I don’t exceed my allowance.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,520
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    edited January 2020 #28

    Me, too, Freddy. 

    OH and I both tether Pads to my phone and it works like a dream. I’m not sure I’d describe it as free but there’s certainly no additional cost involved.

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited January 2020 #29

    Can’t see the point of buying a product (club wi-fi) that you can only use part of its potential 

  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,877
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    edited January 2020 #30

    In a nutshell. My daughter and grandchildren came with us to Moreton-In-Marsh, last year. They stayed in one of those pod thingies. The price for the pod included free WiFi. For their four night stay, the WiFi didn’t work once.

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited January 2020 #31

    I rest my case .........a totally useless product