Booking Fee Or Not?

gatewaya89 Forum Participant Posts: 157

Hi All

We are sure this has probably been covered many times before but perhaps a good old healthy discussion by as many members as possible on this topic may be of benefit especially to new members like ourselves?and the hierarchy at the club given that the general meeting is coming up?

The problem as we see it is that our club does not require any member to pay a booking fee when booking club only sites in advance(Note some Cl's sites can charge a booking fee!) for the coming season!

Now what we first need to ask is

Point 1: Do you feel as a paying member of the club that our club maybe being too generous to its members overall by leaving the system as is at present whereby all members are permitted to pre-book as many club sites/locations way in advance for the new season?(New members please be aware that the club releases this date for its members to then block book their requirements over many months and or sites which if fully booked then would stop other members making anymore bookings to those sites/locations)

Now if you feel that this current system operated is open to abuse and therefore stops all members booking sites due to other members pre-booking sites please feel free to comment on the post point 1?

For us newbies lets write about how we are allowed to book at present by our understanding and at any problems this may cause with loss of revenue for our club sites.

As far as we are aware and we are sure if we are wrong then other members will steer us right? At present we are allowed to go online after a certain date has been released by the club(Newbies please take note!)and then we are allowed to pre-book any amount of sites /locations for that coming year/season without having to place any deposits down at all, which we can hear you all saying well what is wrong with that?

Now this being the case this probably suits many members at present as this is what has been the case for many years perhaps, However members are at present allowed to cancel these pre-bookings at any time up to we believe 72 hours notice without any penalties? Again we hear you shout whats wrong with that?

Well the short answer would be is! we have read discussions on this club forum whereby club members at worst get a letter in the post telling them off for being naughty! and not cancelling their booking before time?(Please note this has nothing to do with members who fall ill or have personal problems at home and cannot make bookings)

So moving on! 

Point 2: Do you believe that as a club member that paying a nominal booking fee charge which would be non-refundable would be good practice for the club over coming seasons/years?

Our reasoning for this is perhaps this would cut down on the multiple block bookings (Unless booking fees are paid of course!) and would ensure that the club bookings which are received are used by that member who books them unless of course they are ill or whatever happens which stops them carrying our their booking which could then be ratify!

Our basis for this thinking is if you chose to book an overseas holiday lets say and at the last minute you have to cancel then of course your insurance company would pick up the cost and if all requirements have been met either personally or medically then you are refunded accordingly? Perhaps the club could look at a similar system for all members

Our own personal view is that we would not mind at all paying a nominal charge and should we through our own fault fail to notify the club/location before 72 hours then we would be more than happy to lose our nominal deposit or booking fee (Call it what you may but the principal still remains the same)after 72 hours perhaps a pro-rata system like the big holiday companies do?rather than sending naughty letters out to members which cost the club money anyway(And lets be fair the postal system is not cheap!)

We are guilty of block booking ourselves please note but have always cancelled well before the time of making any trip out! However thinking properly about this then if we would have not pre-booked in the first place then that site/location may have been able to take and confirm another booking whereby the member did want to go to that location come rain or shine? again we state for the record should we have had to pay a nominal fee we would have no problem in losing such a fee to benefit the club and its aims/goals by using any non-refundable fees to this end!

Your views and thoughts will all be welcome and we look forward to opening a healthy debate on the matter so that our Forum Manager Rowena perhaps may be able to pass on members views on the subject as a whole both good and bad!




  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited September 2018 #2

    Leave it as it is , the other club is a nightmare with deposits if you want to change a booking 

  • gatewaya89
    gatewaya89 Forum Participant Posts: 157
    edited September 2018 #3

    Hi Huskydog

    Thanks for that view although there is still some merit in charging deposits to help benefit the club and its members especially if it frees up some locations/sites which other members wish to book but can't due to block bookings?And speaking from an ex accountants point of view we would rather see a balance sheet that reflects actual revenue forecasting due to deposits being charged rather than possibilities if all turn up and pay their due to sites/locations.

    We are aware of the other"Large Club" and have used their facilities sites on occasion and have no problems in paying a nominal fee other clubs and locations are going down this route as well? within the Uk are they wrong or wright to do so one could ask?

  • Alex Cassells
    Alex Cassells Forum Participant Posts: 159
    edited September 2018 #4

    Hi, I'm happy with current system. I use both Club and non-Club sites and pay what's needed, when it's needed, if it's needed. If I have been unable to book what I want, I've looked for an alternative and booked that. Alex.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited September 2018 #5

    It has been stated by the club on several occasions, that the "block booking" then cancelling by some, is not  as percieved, and i think most "comlaints"come from those who do not ,or the few who cannot, think about their future trips in the years we have been members I dought I can count more than 10 occasions that  where we have wanted to go has not , (apart from the few honey pot sites)been successfully booked , and in the last year's since retirement we have been away for at least a third of the year, and 95% of that in the UK so as for deposits NO

  • gatewaya89
    gatewaya89 Forum Participant Posts: 157
    edited September 2018 #6

    Hi Alex

    Thanks for those views and like yourself we have no problem paying as you say "when its needed"but if you have been unable to book due to that site being over booked by pre-booking system perhaps this needs changing? so that all of us get a chance to book our preferred site for the times we want without having to worry about its booked with a load of pre-bookings?

  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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    edited September 2018 #7

    I assume gateway, that other than what you read on here that there actually is a problem. Can you provide some factual links to this perceived problem, or could it be it doesn't actually exist.

  • gatewaya89
    gatewaya89 Forum Participant Posts: 157
    edited September 2018 #8

    Hi JVB66

    Thanks for your views As we said we did once and only once block book a few years ago but since then have stopped that practice! but do feel in the interest of all a discussion needs to be held on this point though! but thank you again

  • gatewaya89
    gatewaya89 Forum Participant Posts: 157
    edited September 2018 #9

    Hi Metheven

    We have started a discussion Metheven and we wasn't aware that we would have to place factual evidence like in a court of law that block booking takes place by its members? sorry about that, If you want facts though we are guilty of it years ago is anyone else prepared to state they do block booking as well?

    Thanks for your comments though

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,694
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    edited September 2018 #10

    The club has a set of procedures on booking and up to when you can cancel which work extremely well. Just to remind you (as a new member) when booking fees or deposits were scraped the number of no shows and cancellations actually went down.

    Have a non refundable deposit and 'I've paid so why would I let anyone know if I don't turn up?' sort of thing. 

    Also the club does monitor 'block booking' and those that do cancel at short notice and the number is extremely small. The present system does not cost the club any income, rather it generates it due to late availability.

    So whatever people think of the word 'club' in our name I think in this case it does apply when compared to the horrible T&C in other sites.

    If you (or one) does not like the current method then why have you joined? Go to where you can pay an up front non refundable deposit, but don't try and change the club to suit your own interests?

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,474
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    edited September 2018 #11

    Gateway, you’re right - it has been discussed many times before. 

    My view is that it is fine as it is and the only people who moan are those who can’t get what they want so seek to change the system to something they think will suit them better. 

    You may wish to note that the club used to take deposits but dropped them. You should try C&CC if you want to wrestle with deposits but I think you’ll find most of us enjoy the simplicity of this club’s booking system.

    Sorry, I gave up half way through your lengthy OP so I’m not answering every point.


  • JillwithaJay
    JillwithaJay Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 2,487
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    edited September 2018 #12

    I'm closing this discussion and asking our Community Manager to review it in the light that it has been discussed many many times and always goes round in circles.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,694
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    edited September 2018 #13

    I think that shows why you want the system changing? That you couldn't get your preferred dates? again you don't have any evidence to support your argument, if sites are booked then that's it, what is over booking anyway?

    We all have a chance to get the sites and dates we want at present, if someone booked before you then that's life. Go to another site? 

  • gatewaya89
    gatewaya89 Forum Participant Posts: 157
    edited September 2018 #14

    Hi Cornersteady

    Thanks for your views and wasn't aware of the club managing block bookings now? but isn't that a good thing if they are?

    As for going there or here is it not our choice if we like you have paid our money i.e membership fee to use which ever clubs in the UK we so wish too join regardless of non-refundable or refundable deposits?

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,694
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    edited September 2018 #15

    +1 (actually +1000)

  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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    edited September 2018 #16

    You are very welcome, but your second paragraph starts off by stating its a problem.

    How do you know?

  • gatewaya89
    gatewaya89 Forum Participant Posts: 157
    edited September 2018 #17

    Hi Cornerstady

    You seem by your post to be getting rather heated that another member has different views than your own?We are sorry our views and expectations of the club do not match yours but have spoken to many out there on club sites when touring and they seem to feel that perhaps some minor changes should be adopted?

    Again we do appoligise if this discussion forum and its views have upset you in anyway

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,694
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    edited September 2018 #18

    Indeed, even some of your point are incorrect, you will receive a letter no matter what your circumstances if you cancel or no show, and get three and you could lose all bookings.

    PS not closed yet ?

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,694
    5,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited September 2018 #19

    Hi Cornerstady

    You seem by your post to be getting rather heated that another member has different views than your own?We are sorry our views and expectations of the club do not match yours but have spoken to many out there on club sites when touring and they seem to feel that perhaps some minor changes should be adopted?

    Again we do appoligise if this discussion forum and its views have upset you in anyway

    Rather heated? I think not, just answering your points in detail.

    You bring no 'evidence' on your claims. 

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,406
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    edited September 2018 #20

    If I understand you correctly gateway, you are only proposing a loss of deposit if the cancellation is within the 72 hours. I am afraid I can't see any benefit in that at all. If block booking does go on to any degree, which I seriously doubt, surely cancellations will be outside of this period to avoid black marks and potentially suspended bookings.

    In my opinion there is not a problem that needs solving, so I am happy with the current system.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited September 2018 #21

    I always wonder what people mean when they talk about "block booking".

    At what point does a booking become a block booking?

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,453
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    edited September 2018 #22

    Hi G89. Sadly your detailed proposal around introducing deposits is a very old topic, debated endlessly, on numerous occasions.

    You have said yourself that you are new members, now some 18 months into membership? I would give it a bit longer before perhaps seeking to influence changes to aspects of Club Membership that have worked well for the majority of members for quite a long time. Being new members, you probably weren't aware that deposits/booking fees are an old chestnut, so I can understand your post, and am not criticising, just trying to explain.

    The current set up works excellently for most members, hence the lack of support from most posters.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,330
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    edited September 2018 #23

    Please can someone define a block booking? 

    If I book say 7 nights on one site and use them all, I reckon that's a booking- just like if I book any other accommodation.  Similarly if I book1 night it's a booking, we are allowed to stay on site for 21 nights - a booking. 

    Is this block booking another way of describing multiple bookings for the same dates at different sites? That is something completely different, and as far as I know, impossible these days because it flags up that you are booked elsewhere I believe. 

    Maybe those that talk about block bookings have done what I call multiple bookings in the past and assume others operate in a similar fashion??

    Ps I don't understand why we can post on a closed thread 😲. But then the clubs IT is different and thinking about it only causes pain 😂😂😂😂


  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,330
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    edited September 2018 #24

    Oh i see the thread has been reopened, no note, just the words removed from the bottom of the thread. 

    If someone has read the thread and decided it can continue to run it would be nice if there was a mention of it and why 😉. Not questioning moderation, trying to understand it so asnNot to fall foul. 

    Moderator Comment:

    Unfortunately, we are experiencing some very frustrating problems, one of which has been that locked threads are not staying locked which is what has happened in this instance.  All we can do is report the problem and keep relocking a thread which has been flagged up for the Community Manager to review.

    Thanks for your patience.


  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,528
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    edited September 2018 #25

    I think it was right to leave it open, to not do so would have been too heavy handed. I think it is worth raising yet again in the light of the change to a rolling system of booking. I was supprised when this was introduced that there wasn't a tightening up of booking procedures. Of course the system as it stands can be abused and I would be very supprised if it isn't! It would be nice to know to what extent this is so but the Club is reluctant to knock this one on the head by publishing meaningful statistics. Currently I am guessing they don't see it as a problem.
