Smart Water and Theft

Four years ago I attended a local police initative where they freely gave advice on anti-theft measures and marked items taken to them, with an invisible marker, post-coding any valuable items. Under a UV light, any items are easily identified, glowing brightly under said light, whilst remaining invisible to the human eye. The system, I was reliably informed, would last at about 5 years - very similar to the kits available from CRIS and others.
Speaking to the on duty sergeant at great length about my caravan (which they could not post code as the largest item they could do that day were bicycles) he suggested that if it were his, he would use SmartWater as it's a long lasting forensic asset marking system. 'The best deterent available' were his words and 'the sticker alone is enough to make thieves think twice!'
I took his advice and purchased some SmartWater, followed their instructions and finally put 'the sticker' on the Hartal door along with other minatures which were supplied on the edge of the windows.
Proudly, I rang a few insurance companies for quotes and was staggered when some of them hadn't even heard of SmartWater. My current insurance company had and reduced my premiums significantly over others, hence, they got my business.
I mention this, as it may benefit other members and with the recent increase in caravan/motorhome theft, it may just deter a thief, whilst hopefully reducing your premiums.
J57, my first hit when I researched your thread title was the pic below. I must admit I was impressed by the price of the water against the savings. I continued the research mind👍🏻👏🏻😊