Beware of Tracker’s renewal premiums

TomSue Forum Participant Posts: 76

We had Tracker on the phone this morning about our renewal. It would have gone through automatically, but we had new bank cards last year & hadn’t thought to change it with Tracker. Just as well really. We were quoted £90, quibbled & got it for £60. When I say quibbled, really we simply questioned it & the £30 came off immediately. Thought we would mention it on here to save others pulling out £30 more than they need.


  • TomSue
    TomSue Forum Participant Posts: 76
    edited September 2018 #2

    Typo error it was £99 not £90.



  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,872
    1,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited September 2018 #3

    Which reminds me to ring Tracker.  I took out a 'Lifetime' subscription when I got our van - it was about £200 through a special CAMC promotion at the time, so a 'no-brainer' - but I think I have read somewhere that 'Lifetime' = 5 years, in their parlance. If I'm right, I shall certainly haggle with them and if they won't play ball, will probably bin it because I have been persuaded by comments on here, that I wouldn't want the van back if it was nicked.

  • 10tenmen
    10tenmen Forum Participant Posts: 9
    edited September 2018 #4

    The 5 years relates to the life of the none serviceable battery in the tracker unit, after 5 years you have to get a new device I’m unsure as to the cost for an existing customer.

    The norm when stealing motorhomes is to park them up usually within 20 miles and leave it there for 24 hours in case the tracker is activated.

    Thats from experience of high value vehicle thefts.

  • Romanwms
    Romanwms Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited November 2018 #5

    Just had a renewal quote from Trackstar for £168 a year or £399 for three years. No discount offered. Time for an alternative service!

  • Richard12
    Richard12 Forum Participant Posts: 112
    edited November 2018 #6

    Our caravan is fitted with Phantom and after paying the high price of the annual fee I contacted our insurer and asked for a quote without a tracking device.

    Luckily the price remained the same. I would not want our caravan back if it had been stolen and vandalised, I can understand that they are possibly parked up for 24 hours but my main concern in this time of cut backs what police force has the manpower to spare looking for a caravan.

    In our area we have been advised that the police prioritize their responses, I don't think theft of a caravan will be very high, if not at all.

  • Allyneil
    Allyneil Forum Participant Posts: 26
    edited November 2018 #7

    We bought a 4 year old van this summer with a tracker fitted. When we contacted Tracker to set up the subscription they said they didn't support that model any more and we'd have to buy a new one for£289 including the first year.  

    Somewhat annoyed we spoke to the dealer who was surprised to hear that, but gave us a refund.  Having then found it makes almost no difference to the insurance we decided to ditch the tracker, instead focusing on stopping it being stolen. We have an alarm, alko wheel and hitch locks on cassoa storage and will hope that .lot makes theives move on to one less secure.

    It must tell us something when our insurers don't value trackers, the locks both warranted sizeable premium discounts.