Alan aka Twitch
it is with great sadness that I have to tell you off the passing of Alan Rowley aka Twitch. Alan fought a 6 year battle with illness. Although I never met Alan we used to correspond occasionally and of course chat on CT I feel the loss of a someone I considered a friend.
My thoughts and prayers are with Meryl and the family. RIP Alan
What awful news.
I never met Alan either, but also kept in touch with him via email, ever since he left a note on the windscreen of my car at Cley reserve.
How he knew it was my car I will never know.
He was a lovely man, a very knowledgeable birder and a long suffering fan of Bolton Wanderers.
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How very sad. I emailed Alan quite a few times but haven't heard from him for some time. I was only thinking of him last week as I was reading some notes on Aiguamolls as we hope to go there next year. It was details on this reserve that started our emails.
I wish we had met. Seemed a really nice person.