A Real Newbie Water Question.

Hampo69 Forum Participant Posts: 13
edited July 2018 in Motorhomes #1

This week we will be taking on our first MH holiday.

My burning question is;

When we arrive, and want to fill up with water, will there be a hose or do I need to take my own?

If I need to take my own, do I need a connector of some sort?

Thanx in advance.


  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,322
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    edited July 2018 #2

    Hello and welcome to CT and our great hobby. 

    Best to take your own hosepipe and a good selection of tap connectors, more than one of each if you're apt to forget to remove it 😉.

    We use ordinary hosepipe but others use food grade. We operate our water supply according to our plans. We choose not to drive around with a full water tank, but we always have enough for a cuppa and loo flush 😉. If we're not staying long and there's showers on site well only half fill. We always do our dishes in our van. If we're going off site similar but if site has lots of walks or bus route we fill to the top of the tank. We also carry a 5 gallon water carrier top up without moving.

    Depending on the site there maybe a MHSP, motorhome service point, where you can fill up and empty, hopefully off the site road but not always on this club sites! If there isn't one you can stop at a water tap and fill up.

    I always keep a hug of water straight from the tap for cold drinks.

    Enjoy your trip. Folks are generally friendly and are glad to help if asked or offer advise.

    Edit beware of any attached hosepipe on any site you don't know what the last person used it for 😲 maybe the toilet cassette 😲

  • Hampo69
    Hampo69 Forum Participant Posts: 13
    edited July 2018 #3

    Thanx for the advice Bakers2.

    I'd better fish some fittings out.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,437
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    edited July 2018 #4

    Don't make the mistake of using the tap that is for flushing away waste water! It should be marked "drinking water!"

  • Hampo69
    Hampo69 Forum Participant Posts: 13
    edited July 2018 #5

    A great tip, Takethedogalong. Thanx.

  • lornalou1
    lornalou1 Forum Participant Posts: 2,169
    edited July 2018 #6

    A motorhome question in the caravan section !!!!!

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,931
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    edited July 2018 #7

    I've moved this thread to tbe motorhome section now.


  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,322
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    edited July 2018 #8

    Shows as being in the motorhome section on my equipment. Just gone to copy it to show you and it now says caravan. 

    I logged in after I read your post, in order to reply, and it could well be another of this wonderful website foibles 😉😂. 

    Does it actually matter in the great scheme of things? I think not. The important thing is a new member has asked a question and received replies. Surely that's all that matters?

    Maybe someone could report my post to bring it to the community manager's attention.  Another foibleto be sorted in the distant future 😉

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,322
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    edited July 2018 #9

    DSB crossed posts. But still interesting that it showed motorhomes before I logged in and caravans after. Not the other way round 😉

  • lornalou1
    lornalou1 Forum Participant Posts: 2,169
    edited July 2018 #10

    the problem is, do we want to go the same way as the C&CC where every topic is on the same page/section. I hope not.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,931
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    edited July 2018 #11

    One of the weird and wonderful ways of CT Bakers2... 😀


  • Aspenshaw
    Aspenshaw Forum Participant Posts: 611
    edited July 2018 #12

    Most, if not all, motorhomers carry a hose. Some carry a watering can or similar to top up the water level every day or so. Some use a container and just our in.

    My advice is not to keep water in the tank for more than four days, even less in this hot weather.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,186
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    edited July 2018 #13

    Even if there was an on site  hose I wouldn't use it!!! My motorhome uses a Whale system so slightly different from others but if I had a conventional fill I would still want to use my own.


  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,464
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    edited July 2018 #14

    Hmm, having seen site hoses used for washing dogs and cars amongst other things, I’m another who uses my own. 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,437
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    edited July 2018 #15

    We carry two hoses of our own. Always fill from tap marked drinking water, but I have seen a few use tap where waste water is dumped......yuk! Keep a selection of connectors on board as well. 

  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited July 2018 #16

    How does washing a dog contaminate the water coming out of the hose for the next user? 

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited July 2018 #17

    As they only get around 7 posts a day it works fine on C&CC laughing

  • Willmac1980
    Willmac1980 Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited August 2018 #18

    I read on a different forum that some sites do provide a hose for filling your water tank, but some people use it for swilling out their waste cassettes 🤢🤢🤢

    We’ll be taking our own!

  • meldrew
    meldrew Forum Participant Posts: 11
    edited August 2018 #19

    The real question to be answered here depends on what what filling system your motorhome comes with. If it is one of those with a whale external filling system you can use an aquaroll or similar (even a small 10ltr plastic water carrier will do). If it is a system that is one with a filler cap with key, then a hose pipe with screw on tap connector plus an additional screw type squeeze fit should cover most scenarios. If you are really uncertain I would post what motorhome you have and ask the question again

  • TonyIshUK
    TonyIshUK Forum Participant Posts: 296
    edited August 2018 #20

    We travel with about 20% full water tank for toilet and other water uses, other than drinking to and from site. That's about 20 litres.

    we use 1.5 litre Plastic water battles for our drinking water, which are regularly filled with fresh water so no bugs.

    when on site we top up with 30 to 40 litres of shower and washing water for use on site. 

    On days out, I might top up the water a little, if known that the toilet will be used.  A camping fascination for the grandkids!  AND washing hands after all duties carried out.
