New VED and New Cars

Tigi Forum Participant Posts: 1,038
edited March 2018 in Towcars & Towing #1

Article on todays (12/3/18) Money Mail Web Page regarding the overly complicated new VED rules and in particular new cars. Diesels are needless to say being hit in addition to the more expensive cars, overall it just seems to be a TAX with little consideration to cleaner engines, as the net result is going to be drivers keeping older engines longer than they might otherwise do.


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,848
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    edited March 2018 #2

    Pretty stupid and blew the governments green credentials clear out of the water. But this sort of reply may get the thread stopped as being political. Note it would have been said whichever party was in power and imposed the charge.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,678
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    edited March 2018 #3

    and really who looks at the car tax for the first year? It is included in the on the road price and all, well I did, will do is look at the price after all the discounts. I did look at the second year tax which at £140 was actually less than my previous towcar.