Fiamma ultra privacy room

Does anyone have one of these or, know of anyone that has one.
They look really good for a longer stay, and as usual, the sales pitch is very convincing.
Any comments much appreciated, negative or positive.
Thanks all
We have one living in the eves of our shed. It came with our motorhome. We tried it, it attaches to our windout awning, but that was it.
Could it be of use?
Ps how's your OH getting in? And how are you coping?
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Hi Bakers,
Slow progress but he is happy in himself. Words are coming back slowly with speech therapy but it is a long old process. My employers have been great so work only 4 days (same hours) to facilitate his therapy, long days, very tiring, but really helpful.
The privacyroom I am looking at is an ultra light jobby that they say, takes minutes to put up (yeah right). I could apparently put it up on my own!
loving motorhoming, just got a newer, smaller Bolero which we both absolutely love. Looking to have a good 10 days in Brittany in Feb and lots of trips booked for next year. Moho makes it all so much easier although I do very very frustrated with myself when I cannot work out how to 'do' some simple things 🤔.
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I wouldn't say ours would be simple to put up by one, but I suppose it depends on the one 😉.
Glad to hear your OH progressing. It is a slow job. Glad he's happy in himself, that makes a huge difference, especially for you. Keep up the good work and don't forget to care for the carer 😉. Don' be too hard on yourself you're on a very steep learning curve without factoring in the emotional side.