Rodney Bewes

Rodney Bewes has passed at the age of 79. RIP Rodney
David Cassidy 67. (Partridge Family) R.i.P .
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Very sad news,
I remember watching the Likely Lads, and just loved David Cassidy as a teenager.
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There are some episodes of sitcoms which lodge in your memory forever. Remember the Lads spending all day trying not to be told the result of a football match? Sitting down to watch it only to found it had been cancelled because of bad weather! Great fun.
Rodney Bowes RIP.
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I think Whatever happened to the likely Lads is probably in my top 5 all time TV shows and even (depending on my mood) the number one.
I suppose because it takes me back to a time I knew well and although only a teenager at the time I recognised all or part of the characters in the show in either my brothers and their friends and girlfriends. My middle brother is certainly like Bob, (he moved to a posh end of Derby and drove a Viva and would always be polishing it with his handkerchief just like Bob - It's OK we've all told him)
Even the theme tune is very moving and instantly takes me back to either watching the show with my parents or remembering the furniture of the time as shown in the show .
My wife saw him at the Durham Gala theatre with his one man show. She said it was very good
RIP Rodney Bewes, you made a lot of people very happy.