Which Air Awning?

gatewaya89 Forum Participant Posts: 157

Hi All

Looking to purchase an air awning but read different articles about different ones and still none the wiser!

I think it has come down to 3! All are from the Vango range

The first is the Varkala 2 or 3 2017 or 2018 size 390 0r 420 I think? reading all about this one seems to tick all the boxes.

However another contender is the Bremar again good reviews same sizes roughly, looks good and am looking at the 400cm in this range.

Last but not least is the Sonoma II 400 another different look with 2 areas to sit in and overall wider I think than most at 280cm

So that's the 3 on offer! Any users out there of any of these? what do you think of your awning?

await any replies and thanks to all that contribute to discussion.


  • Milothedog
    Milothedog Forum Participant Posts: 1,433
    edited November 2017 #2

    Can't help with which awning, although I'm happy with my Bradcot Air Aspire that I bought for our previous caravan (a Coachman Amara)

    It fitted perfectly, but when we viewed our Elddis Avante 540, prior to buying it I did become aware that the awning would be an issue because the new caravan had different window positions. This means we now have to have the awning cover half of the window that is beside the fixed bed.

    So my point is, make sure you know whatever you go for size wise is going to have a clear vertical space at each end against the side of the caravan. This includes lockers, gas points and anything else you may need to open or have access to.


  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,840
    1,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited November 2017 #3

    I wouldn't knock Vango since I still have a Force 10 tent I bought almost 40 years ago and it's still fine!!!!..... but one drawback (unless they have changed since last year's models) is that they have multiple inflation points which is a bit of a pain.  Our Kampa Air Pro 390 has a single one and with an electric pump is inflated in three minutes.

    Totally agree with Milo in that with both our Kampa and the smaller Sunncamp, the deciding factor re which model was how they fitted around the windows and door etc.

  • Rod235
    Rod235 Forum Participant Posts: 48
    edited November 2017 #4

    We also have the Bradcot air aspire great quality and good looking when erect ( not floppy like some)!!A little heavy owing to the quality of the material also more expensive than some on the market but you only get what you pay for, so worth a look before you buy Ours is the 260 but available in 390 plus full awning.

  • BrianJosie
    BrianJosie Forum Participant Posts: 391
    edited November 2017 #5

    We have ordered a Kampa Rally Air Pro 360 XL .havent used one yet but will feed back on here when we have and let you know how we get on with it.

    Brian & Jo

  • Outdoor Lady
    Outdoor Lady Forum Participant Posts: 127
    edited November 2017 #6

     We have the Kampa Rally Air Pro 360 XL we have used it 4 times so far. We have a few niggles with it, we find that if we are on a slope it doesn't sit right at the bottom as it is uneven, and like Milothedog said it can overlap one of the window in the bedroom but if we pull it back a bit so this doesn't happen then we can't open the door properly as the inflated tube is in the way but I have just found out that Kampa do foam wedges/blocks to push it away from the door, not sure how this will work yet.  We love the awning as in our opinion it looks good and very easy to erect but very heavy when erecting and transporting. We have a Hymer B774 and the measurements were right for this awning but we wonder if the bigger might possibly have been better then it would fit better at the bottom as very often there is a slope of some sort.

  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited November 2017 #7

    We bought a Kampa Air 400. As Outdoor Lady says, they're not good when pitched on a slope, & despite storm straps, ours isn't brilliant in strong side on winds. I wouldn't buy another.

  • ihatew0rk
    ihatew0rk Forum Participant Posts: 84
    edited November 2017 #8

    I bought a Sunncamp Swift Air 260 porch awning and have to say it's amazing value for money. Quality is good and so easy to use. 

  • Simon100
    Simon100 Club Member Posts: 669
    500 Comments 100 Likes
    edited November 2017 #9

    I have a Varkala 420. A great awning and has survived some heavy weather. Easy to put up and take down. I don't have a problem with the multiple inflation points. It takes me only a few minutes to inflate once the corners are pegged down by which time my wife has already inflated the cross beams ready for installation. 

    Excellent customer support as well.

  • rjb
    rjb Forum Participant Posts: 118
    edited November 2017 #10

    I have vango varkala had it now for 4 years very good awning no problems very well made easy to erect very good quality 

  • TonyIshUK
    TonyIshUK Forum Participant Posts: 296
    edited November 2017 #11

    my enthusiasm got the better of me and I purchased an air awning.

    Problems arose when I tried to lift it ! I was used to having two or three bands which neatly fitted into spaces and distributed weight about. Now I have one bl@@dy great lump, that only just squeezes through the door, catching on the latches.

    it is no quicker to peg out, as extra guys are needed on a windy day to stabilise the air frame. Pegging out the floor area takes the same time as the old awning.

    my biggest faux pas was not realising that it had a fixed ground sheet, which means I have to pitch on a hard stand, unless I move the whole caboodle sideways and back when on grass.

    One plus is that it is not as draughty as the old awning, and keeps warm When there is little sun on it.



  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited November 2017 #12

    We have a Kampa Fiesta Pro and its very good, doesn't leak (either air or rain) but it is really heavy.  In fact is so heavy I can no longer thread it onto the awning rail by myself.  Will have to consider something else.

  • thegibsons
    thegibsons Forum Participant Posts: 39
    edited November 2017 #13

    i have the varkala 360 and very pleased, easy to put up, good in windy weather if air pressures are right. a bit heavy going into the rail, a bit of spray silicone in the rail and a rope tied to the end of the webbing makes life easier. go for it they are great

  • gatewaya89
    gatewaya89 Forum Participant Posts: 157
    edited November 2017 #14

    Hi All

    And thanks for all those comments, Have today brought a Vango Braemar 400 with all the fixtures and fittings can't wait to try it out but will let everyone know how it works out!

    Thanks to All


  • Mr H
    Mr H Forum Participant Posts: 356
    edited November 2017 #15

    We have had a Kampa air awning for nearly four years and would not change it for the world. During that time we have experienced many differing weather and siting conditions and have had no problems. Once attached to the caravan we peg out the four corners and this accommodates slopes. When we decided the size to buy we chose one that did not affect the windows or door. With the storm ties (an optional extra) the awning is at least as stable in windy conditions as any pole type as the air tubes are able to flex. One thing we have added is a tie at each end to assist pulling the awning along the caravan's awning rail.Finally, we bought another storage bag so we can separate the pegs, pump, mallet, valance etc., to ease storage and handling.